Jobs lesson-Vocabulary/A Good Job!
Elementary - A1 level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of jobs in the context of daily life
Subsidiary Aims
To provide specific information listening practice using a text about jobs in the context of daily life
Procedure (45-65 minutes)
T shows a picture of herself teaching. T asks "What is my job? What do I do?" and elicits the word "teacher" /the phrase" You're a teacher." T rephrases "I'm a teacher and I teach English. I like teaching English." T shows the questions: "What's your job? What do you do? Which jobs do you like?" T gives instructions: "Talk with your pair. Learn about your friend. Discuss your job and what you do." T asks ICQs "Are we talking or writing?" T sets the time limit for discussion "You have 2 minutes." T monitors and listens to their conversations closely and takes notes if necessary. T asks a student "What's your friend's/his/her job? What does she do?" T doesn't make corrections unless there's a mistake with the necessary vocab. T encourages SS to speak. T concept checks (possible responses and possible CCQs: student-> Does she study in a hotel or in a school? Does she earn money? , midwife->Does she work with men or women? Does she work with babies or kittens (elicit w miming)?, technician-> Kübra "Do you work with machines?" T drills : ss repeat chorally, in groups and individually. T writes the relevant vocab on the board and shows stress.
T tells students to stand up T arranges the seating T divides the class into two teams. "You are Team A and you are Team B" T numbers the ss : "You are number 1, number 2...." T sticks/shows some pictures on the board. (nurse, dentist..etc) T distributes the job cut-outs to Team A and Team B. T gives instructions: "Stop. Look at the pictures. Read the words quickly." T waits for students to go over the cut-outs. T continues giving instructions and models: "Now, match words with pictures. Be quick, be fast and finish the game! Ready, steady, go!" The first team who matches the jobs with pictures win. T monitors during the game. T ends the game when all words are pinned on the board. T praises enthusiastically T asks teams to check each others' answers. T praises the students. T instructs students to sit.
T shows the pictures on the board and goes over the vocab. T asks CCQs if necessary. Possible CCQs: architect->Does he draw or sing? Where does he work? nurse-> Where does she work? Is she a doctor? pilot-> Does he drive a bus or fly a plane? dentist->Does he work with your teeth or eyes? receptionist->Where does she work? Does she greet customers (might need to remind greetings-farewells), taxi driver->Does he drive a yellow car or a yellow bus? hairdresser-> Does she work with men or women? (barber could be elicited) journalist->Where does she work? Does she write? accountant->Does he know mathematics? Does he work with money? T comes to the lawyer at the end and elicits "law firm": Where does he work? - If Ss don't say "law firm", and say "court" T asks "Where is his office?" T might need to explain what law is " if you kill a person, you go to jail. This is a law. If you smoke cigarettes in the classroom, you pay money. This is a law." T drills chorally, in groups and individually T praises T writes the words, word class and & marks the stress.
T pairs Ss T shows the worksheet. T instructs "Talk with your friend. Complete the sentences with a job. You have 3 minutes." ICQs: Are you listening or speaking? Are you writing? T distributes 1 worksheet for 1 pair. Students discuss. T monitors closely and takes notes. T shakes the maracas to indicate time's up. T gives instructions: "Now listen and check your answers" T monitors from a distance while Ss listen and check. T gives instructions: "Check your answers" T monitors while they're working. T asks students to individually read one sentence out loud. T uses their names and praises.
T regroups the students to change pairs: 1,2,1,2... T instructs: "number ones, sit here. number twos, sit here" T pairs students "You work with your friend" T shows the activity on the board. T gives instructions: "Talk with your friend. Find the job. Complete the sentences. Number 1, number 2..You have 2 minutes." T gives 1 worksheet for 1 pair. ICQ: Are we listening or talking? Are we writing? T monitors closely T shakes the maracas when time's up T gives instructions "Now listen and check your answers." T monitors from a distance. T gives instructions: "Check your answers. You have 1 minute." T monitors closely T gets whole class choral feedback T drills T writes the word in the gap and marks the stress. T praises
T pairs the students T models the conversation. And takes notes. T says: I am a reporter and you are a VIP. I am a reporter. I work in Times magazine and I want to write about you. "What's your ......'s name? How old is he/she? Where does he/she come from? What does he/she do? Where does he/she work?What does he/she do in his free time?" T reads what she wrote. T reflects questions on the board. T instructs the students and distributes roles: "You are a reporter. You are a VIP. Ask your friend about his/her family, and their jobs. Write down the answers." (Kadriye and Kübra are reporters if possible) ICQs: Reporters, raise your hands. Reporters, are we listening or speaking? Reporters, are we writing? VIPs, raise your hands. VIPs, are we writing or speaking? T instructs: You have 5 minutes. T monitors closely T mixes pairs if ss finish early. T shakes maracas when time's up. T instructs pairs to compare their answers. T asks: "Reporters, who wants to read?" T praises
T gives instructions: "Watch me. Who am I? What's my job?" T starts miming "nurse" T praises ss T asks 1 s to come up on stage S picks a word (job) Ss play charades T monitors and praises