Aya Mousamer Aya Mousamer

Phrases for Comparing Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about how to compare things. The lesson starts with a discussion about how Cairo changed throughout time. This is followed by a breakout room discussion where students are going to discuss how they see the old and nowadays Cairo together. Furthermore, I am going to take them through a couple of listening records about two people are talking about their cities now and in the past. Then, they would go a quick exercise about what they listened to. In addition, comes the detailed language clarification. That would happen through a detailed explanation of the MPF. Finally, there is some controlled practice through exercise 5 in the Workbook, and other freer practice via final written sentences through exercise 2.


Abc Handouts 1- Introducing Michael and Irina
Abc Handouts 2 Exercise 3
Abc Handouts 3 Exrecise 2- Analysis Box- Meaning
Abc Handouts 4 Exrecise 5- Form- WORKBOOK
Abc Handouts 5- Exercise 2 Page. 31
Abc Handout 6- Analysis Box- Form- Page. 30.
Abc Lead-In Slide within the PowerPoint Presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Phrases for Comparing in the context of cities now and in the past

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and inference listening practice using a couple of audios about cities now and in the past using comparing phrases in the context of Around the world


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

I am going to show the students 2 pictures of different elements of Cairo, one old and one recent then have them discuss the differences in pairs. I am going to use ICQs to assure that they got the instructions clearly: 1- are you working individually or in pairs? in pairs 2- how many minutes do you have? 3 minutes 3- discussing similarities or differences? differences Next, to get them to the main room so they can share their feedback for a couple of minutes.

Listening Task (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the meaning clarification and to the next tasks they are going to go through

I am going to introduce Michael and Irina and what they’re going to talk about. Next, I am going to clarify that they are going to listen for around 5 minutes audios. Then, I am going to ask them to take notes to what they listen to. I am going to play the audio of Michael first, and Irina's next. I am going to send the students to breakout rooms for pair check and to circle the correct alternative. I am going to use ICQs to assure that they know what they need to do: 1- Are you going to take notes? Yes 2- do you work individually or in pairs? in pairs 3- How many minutes are you listening to? 5 4- you listen to one person or two? two Finally, I get them back to the main room for a whole class feedback and show them the answer key.

Language Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To allow students get the detailed meaning, pronunciation and form of the comparing phrases

In that stage, I am going to explain MPF in detail. I am going to start with the meaning part, through six pictures trying to elicit the meaning of each comparing phrase and finally show them the phrases themselves followed with the short definitions. I am going to use CCQs to assure that they got the meaning clearly: 1- Does "about the same" mean alike on one or two ways? Yes 2- Does "exactly the same" mean identical? Yes 3- Does "completely different" mean they have a FEW differences? No 4- Does "slightly different from" mean not like each other in MANY ways? No Then I go through the exercises in the Analysis box, starting with the Meaning exercise # 2 filling in the cline. I am going to check that students understand the cline is a scale from one extreme to another. Ask them to take a screenshot of the slide with the exercise. I am going to send them in groups to breakout rooms for a couple of minutes. getting them back to the main room and asking them to share their feedback and showing them the answer key in one minute. Next, moving to the pronunciation teaching part: I am going to start drilling the phrases. Then, eliciting the stressed and unstressed words within drilling using one hand of mine and another to show them with. I am going to drill alone twice, then asking the whole class to listen and repeat twice and that would be our activity for that part. Finally, I am going to let a couple of the students to drill a couple of phrases. I am going to show them through drilling the elision in "about the" and the linking in "the same as" Following, is the final part which is about eliciting the form through three sentences and asking CCQs to make sure they got the full stage of MPF completely. CCQs: 1- Is "I" a subject or a verb? subject 2- what do we have next be or have? be 3- what do we call words like "very", "completely" and "extremely"? adverbs 4- what next needed? comparing word 5- do we need a preposition in everyone? No, accordingly Then, asking them in one minute individually to match the adjectives with the prepositions. Sharing the feedback through the answer key for moments. and then moving to the next stage.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To give students chance to practice the comparing phrases in structured and controlled environment

I am going to send the students a screenshot of exercise 5 in the Workbook page 24. I am telling them that they need to just complete the sentences using the table above the questions. They have 3 minutes. and a couple of minutes for feedback and answer key. I am going to check through ICQs if they the instructions clearly: 1- groups or individually? groups 2- what exactly to do? completing 3- how many minutes? 3 minutes I get them again to the main room to give them the answer key for feedback.

Freer practice (3-5 minutes) • To give students more freedom to practice what they learned in more authentic way

I am going to send the students in the chat box a screenshot of exercise 2, page 31 Students' Book (New Cutting Edge). I send them to breakout rooms in pairs to discuss how their cities were and how they become now. I am going to ask the students to make sentences using the TL and then compare their ideas in pairs. ICQs: 1- Are you working alone or in pairs? pairs 2- are you going to speak only or write as well? write as well. Finally, to get them to the main room for content and language feedback.

Content Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To discuss the ideas we went through within the class

I am going to share on the whiteboard a couple of comparing sentences they wrote within the freer practice and give them a comment on them.

Language Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To focus on what they learnt grammatically and pronunciation

I am going to share a couple of language content they wrote within the freer practice, too.

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