Joshe Arellano Joshe Arellano

Intermediate level


Abc p. 61-62 SB

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice present perfect for experiences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a agreeing, disagreeing & asking for opinions
  • To provide clarification of simple past in the context of experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss talk about someone they know and it's very important for them. Instructions: share to the class information about someone who was important for you -who is someone you have known for a long time? (possible answers: My best friend, a relative, teachers) -Do you still have contact with that person? -when was the last time you spoke with him/her?

Exposure (10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students get exposure to the text and work on a task Instructions: T shares the text (appendix 1) through the chat to SS. Ss will read the text and after they finish they answer the jamboard activity. If neccesary Ss can be sent to BORs to discuss their answers according to the number of students T can either use the jamboard or GGFs. OCFB

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Cover Meaning, Form, and pronunciation of the TL (on Google Slides or Forms, jamboard) clarifying meaning, use and variations of meaning. Instructions: Meaning Learners will observe the phrases from the text and teacher will instruct the uses and porpuse of each tense. main sentences: -we have been married for six years. -Alain's lived on his boat since 1995. -I lived there for 10 years -I met Alain 10 years ago CCQ’s to narrow meaning: *Did they get married six years ago? (Yes) *Is the action still happening at the moment? (Yes) *Do we know when we met Alain? Form: Students will organise the phrases from the previous task. *T asks for the negative and the interrogative form of the sentence. *T check the uses of the word for and since *T check abreviation of the words. Attend PP&S to clarify form: P: SS might have problems with since and for, “since” can't be used with simple past sentences. S: T clarifies on the slides and FCQs. -what does the ‘s mean? P: SS might have problems with identifying in which tense the sentence is due to the abbreviation. S: T clarifies on the slides and FCQs. -what does the ‘s mean? Pronunciation Learners will drill on sentences to see the correct pronunciation of some words. Attend PP&S to clarify meaning: *T clarifies pronunciation by showing the IPA format to the students and also have the class to make drills.

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

students work on a controlled practice activity to practice and clarify. Instructions: T shares the link for GGFs and Ss work on completing the task with the words from the brackets. use present perfect or simple past. After finishing T shares the answers on Jamboard

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

For students to use the expresions and ask information from their peers. instructions: Now Ss uses the questions from the past excercise and need to talk about someone they know that is considered important. -Ss can use the sentences and questions from the previous task to make the conversation fluent. after finishing T gives feedback. DEC

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