rehab rehab

skills. listening
A2 level


In this lesson students practice listening for gist and for details in the context of a conversation between two girls talking about their Yoga class. The lesson starts with a discussion about sports based on a picture of different people practicing sport. through the discussion the students will define Yoga. Then they will start listening for scanning and for more detailed questions. Finally they will discuss in pairs the type of sport they prefer and give reasons for their answers.


Abc ppt

Main Aims

  • To practice listening gist
  • To practice reading for details and specific information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with fluency in the context of a conversation about sports


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To warm the students up , set the context of the listening lesson and to get students engaged.

By the use of some photos of different people practicing sports, the teacher asks students questions around sports and the kind of sport these people are doing and if they are doing it indoors or outdoors. The teacher will try to elicit from students that this sport they are doing is 'Yoga', and directs the discussion around 'Yoga', so they will be prepared to listen about it.

Pre-listening (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with important vocabulary to help them follow the listening text

By the use of the picture of the people practicing Yoga, the teacher elicits from students a definition for the term "Yoga". They work individually to choose the correct definition: Yoga is a. a violent sport b. a system of body positions and breathing technique

While-listening (2-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

students listen for the first time to name the speakers ; Mariana or Stella. Before listening, the teacher gives students clear instructions and ICQs to check their understanding of the task

listening for specific information (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging specific information listening tasks

Students will listen to the text to decide in pairs which sentences are true and which are false. They will also correct the false ones. the teacher nominates individuals to read and give their answer. Then the teacher will give them check list to check as a class. Before playing the audio, the teacher gives students one minute to read the sentences to make it easier for them to follow the track. The teacher will also use ICQs to check the students` understanding before they start. T. what will you do now? will you look at the sentences and say true or false? will you correct the false sentence?

Listening for details (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging listening task for more detailed information.

The teacher students to listen one more time while looking to the sentences on the ppt slide to complete them with only one word. The teacher uses ICQs ; what should you do while listening? how many words do need to complete each sentence? The students listen and work individually, the teacher asks students if they agree with each completion for classroom correction.

Post-Listening (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with a follow up task to improve their fluency and accuracy in speaking

Students work in pairs to discuss these two questions: Do you do you do sports? if Yes, what sport do you do? why do you like it? If No, what sport would you like to do? why? The teacher monitors the students for feedback. After they finish their pair work, the teacher holds the discussion with them as a class for class feed back.

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