Zahra Zahra

FCE unit 1
B2 level


In this lesson, learners focus on receptive skills of reading and sub skills of gist and detailed reading and the output of the class will be productive skill of speaking. Students learn the difference between uses to, be used to, and get used to through guided discovery based on a reading text about lifestyle. The lesson starts with a discussion about lifestyle. This is followed by teaching new lexis and reading the text. Students first skim the text to amswer a general question from the text. Then, students scan the text to answer the questions on page 4 from the text. Next, students learn the grammar and do the controlled practice in the book related to the grammar. Finally, there is a speaking part in which students use the grammar and talk.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Discussion in the context of Lifestyle
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Lifestyle

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Lifestyle words in the context of Lifestyle


Warmer/ lead in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson will start with a speaking task in which students should think for a minute about their past habbits and then share their ideas with a partner. Then some students share answers with the whole clsss. (ICQs: Should we talk two by two or the whole class (first two by two then the whole class), Should we talk about present or past? (Past), how much time do we have to think? (1 minute). Since the aim is fluency I won't stop students for minor errors.

Pre-reading (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for reading a text and make it accessible

11 words will be pretaught from the text. (Words: 1. Shape, 2. Rehearse, 3. Script, 4. Flatmate, 5. Ashamed, 6. Passionate, 7. Involve, 8. Turn up, 9. Performance, 10. Unwind, 11. Instructor). Pupils will be given a handout in which they have the words and meanings, synonyms, and opposoties and they have to match the words with meanings for 2 minutes. (ICQs: 1. what should we do? Match, 2. How much time do we have? 2 minutes, 3. Should you do it alone or in groups? Alone 4. Can we use dictionary? No). Then, each student checks her answer with her partner and after that with whole class. after clarifying the meaning and working on the form of the lexis we will have a choral repetition drill and I'll get students' attention to the phonetics if needed and I see some students have pronunciation problems I will ask them to repeat individually. Students will be given a handout ib which they have some examples with words with blanks they have to read the sentences and fill in the blanks. Then, each student checks her answer with her partner and after that with whole class.

While-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

A general question from the text will be written on the board and srudents will be asked to skim the text for 2 minute and answer the question and give a short summary from the text. (ICQs: should we read all the text sentence by sentence? (no), should we check our dictionary? (no), should we do it alone or in pairs? (alone), how much time do we have? (two minutes)). First students will check their answer with their partner and then with whole class. Then, students will be asked to scan the text and answer the questions in the book for 5 minutes. (ICQs: should we read all the text sentence by sentence? (Yes), should we check our dictionary? (no), should we do it alone or in pairs? (alone), how much time do we have? (Four minutes)). First students will check their answer with their partner and then with whole class.

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