Nadir Ahmed Nadir Ahmed

Listening & Speaking
intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about First Meetings through listening and speaking .The lesson starts with a discussion about meeting a famous person. This is followed by two tasks of listening :pre-task (gist) to make prediction to identify the context then they do a detailed task for specific information. Finally there is a following up task by referring the students to the questions in ex. 1 and discuss them in pairs or small groupsas they do the teacher feed them back.


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Main Aims

  • students would be able to speak and express themselves about meeting people e.g famous people

Subsidiary Aims

  • express themselves


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(5 minutes) Ss discuss in pairs the following question : have you ever met a famous person? If not, who would you like to meet most and why?

Pre-teach (4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language(vocabulary)

Clarify the difficult words to make the text more accessible

Listening task 1 (gist) (10 minutes) • to get students familiarized with the next task

students match the speaker with the famous person they met. Pair check, feedback.

Listening task 2 (15 minutes) • let the student looking for specific information

Listen again and make notes about where and when the people met, and what they said to each other. Pair check, feedback

Follow up task (0-8 minutes) • to see whether the students have met the lesson plan's learning ...

Give ss the questions in ex 1 to discuss in pairs or small groups.

Feedback (0-3 minutes) • to reflect on students performance

monitoring the students for a while and giving feed back to the them as it suits

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