Fayrouz Mahdy Fayrouz Mahdy

Celta TP1 (b)
Elementary level


Verb to be in Wh questions, and numbers in the context of introductions.


Abc New English File Student’s Book Unit 1 pg 7 – PPT– Audio Number cards 1-30 Your phone

Main Aims

  • To practise the verb to be in Wh questions, and numbers in the context of introductions. Guided Speaking

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for specific information To revise the rules of Wh question forms


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will take the screenshot for the participants to use it later in the session. The teacher greets students The teacher shares her PPT screen asking how many people are there to make sure that everyone can see her screen.).Sharing the icebreaking slides to remind them about herself in one minute. When it comes to the dream part, the teacher will ask them about Marian's dream (It was about traveling around the world.). Then the teacher will ask Marian, "Where does she dream to travel?"(others can share their own desire too.) Ex. Is she American? yes, she is. No, she isn't. (Focusing on the contracted form and drilling it.)

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The screen will show two girls speaking about a tourist. The teacher asks Ss about what they are asking about and what could be the answer. All answers are accepted. I will pick some Yes or No questions and answers from their guessing (Is she British? Is she Portuguese?), and I will write them on my board. Ex. Is she American? yes, she is. No, she isn't. (Focusing on the contracted form and drilling it.) The teacher will show Ss pictures of people of different nationalities. The teacher will pick two students for each picture so that one can ask and the other can answer. Then Ss will take 2 minutes to complete the dialogue and 1 more minute to check together.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ex3a: Some Ss now need more clarifications. The teacher will give a quick grammar review. Affirmative form: I am... He/She/It is... They/we/you are... Yes or No Question Am I...? Yes, you are, No, you aren't. Is he/she/it...? Yes, she/he/it's. No, he/she/it isn't. Are you/they/we...? Yes, you/they/we're. No, you/they/we aren't. The teacher will focus on the pronunciation of the contracted forms (using finger techniques and repetitions(All together then individually)). For Wh questions, we add only the Wh words(where) before v.to. The students are supposed to know that now after their session with Ms. Anna, but I will focus on pronouncing them naturally using repetition again with finger technique.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher pays close attention to the contracted forms ex: ‘it’s’ ‘they’re’, "What's’ and ‘Where's". That happens all over the session.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher tells a story about her friend using PPT, " I have a friend. She travels a lot. She traveled to Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, USA...ext. She brought a lot of antiques and souvenirs from each country that she visited. She showed me her collection and started asking me to guess where they are from. So I will show you her collection and let's guess together.". Then, The teacher gives the first model( Where is this rug from? It's from Saudi Arabia. Where are they from? I don't know.).The teacher pays close attention to the ‘it’s’ and ‘they’re’. The teacher will ask students about other objects. They answer using ‘it’s’ and ‘they’re’. The teacher gives students clear instructions about Ex5a, " You will work in pairs. Ask each other about the collection that you see. You have 5 minutes in the breakout rooms. The teacher is going to ask some questions to check their understanding(Are you going To ask questions? Do you have 3 minutes? Should you know all the answers?). The teacher will monitor students in the breakout rooms. When they return to the main room we will check the origin of the given objects together.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ex6:The teacher shows the class a phone screen and asks them to ask him a question. See if they can say, ‘What’s your number/ phone number?". Then, the teacher demonstrates 6a with the whole class. Let them listen and check. Now the teacher will explain quickly how to say phone numbers by dividing them into groups and stress on the last number in each group so it would be clear. Ss will play a game in the breakout rooms in pairs. The teacher gives clear instructions about the activity(You will work in pairs. Ask each other about your phone numbers. Answer by dividing your numbers into groups of numbers. Try to memorize your partner's phone number. You have 5 minutes.). Then the teacher asks CCQs (Can you ask about the phone numbers? Do we say o or zero? Are you going to memorize your partner's phone number?). The teacher will monitor the breakout rooms. The teacher demonstrates 6d by first using the number cards. Help them with the stress differences between 13/30, for example. Now they can listen and circle. The teacher demos first. Finally, he provides the answers on the board

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will tell students to make a dialogue between themselves using as many structures as they remember in these two sessions. Ss will work in groups. They will build their own situations. They have 5 minutes to finish and come to present their own conversation in front of the class. The teacher will ask them CCQs before sending them to breakout rooms

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