Mert Arda Güler Mert Arda Güler

Past Simple Lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about Simple Past Tense's irregular and regular verbs through the backstory of Ben Silbermann. The lesson starts with a reading about Ben Silbermann. After the reading, students learn regular and irregular verbs of Simple Past Tense through guided discovery. After the grammar discovery, students are taught the difference with certain activities.


Abc Cutting Edge Elementary SB

Main Aims

  • To teach the concept of Simple Past Tense, specifically irregular and regular verbs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice pronunciation of irregular and regular verbs of Simple Past Tense


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will go over the Reading text and will do a short comprehension check to check if the students remember what the text they've read was about. T will do this in the form of a Q&A (T shows a picture of Ben Silbermann and will ask students to talk about him).

Review (2-4 minutes) • To review Present Simple Tense before going into the target grammar topic

T writes the Present Simple sentences on the board and reminds students about the tense briefly

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will write two sentences from the text "An ordinary man" and highlight the regular and irregular verbs. T will give some time for students to read the sentence and ask them why T has highlighted the verbs "Silbermannn *met* a lot of people." "He *worked* at Google for two years."

Guided Discovery #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T asks Ss questions about the sentences, and has them answer CCQ's. "Are these sentences about present, or the past?" (Past) "Did they happen now?" (No) "Does he still work in Google?" (No) "Did he meet them now, or in the past?" (In the past) "Is the action finished?" (Yes) "Do we know when he worked in Google?" (Two years ago)

Guided Discovery #2 (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the function of Past Simple

T draws a timeline on the board and asks students "Where did these two sentences take place in?" and after the question, T asks when Past Simple is used and requests that students help T complete the timeline. Present Past<-----X---------------I-------------------------->Future

Guided Discovery #3 (5-7 minutes) • To teach the form of Simple Past Tense's Regular and Irregular verbs

T asks students on how to form the past simple of regular verbs ("How do we turn a regular present simple verb into a past simple one?") and writes couple examples from the article until the students notice the reoccuring pattern of adding -ed at the end of them. *T drills the past tense verbs with their correct pronunciation.* After asking them about the regular ones, T writes couple examples of Irregular verbs and asks students on what these words are. T elicits the answer from them that they are irregular.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T prepares a table with irregular and regular verbs written on them and asks students to categorize the words into their respectful categories. To elaborate: left, taught, worked, met, played, cried, stopped Regular: Irregular: Ss will come up to the board and match them to their categories.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T shows p.151 Practice 2.2 and asks Ss to fill in the blanks for 5 questions. W/C F/B afterwards.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T does activity 2a. (Asking students to write 3 sentences about their own life using the target grammar.) Ss will get 5 minutes to write their sentences. After Ss write their sentences, T asks them to switch seats by assigning them with fruits (banana, orange, apple, pear, mango) and Ss share their sentences with each other thus, having a conversation about their lives.

Listening/Pronunciation (4-6 minutes) • To be able to pronounce Paste Tense of Regular Verbs and distinguish them from Present Simple

T plays listening track 7.4 and asks students to choose which sentence is past simple (a or b). T plays the audio track again if requested. T drills the sentence after writing it on the board putting emphasis on the past simple verb.

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