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Elemantary level


In this lesson, the students are going to read a text about Ben Silbermann. They will learn new vocabulary through the text.


Abc Cutting Edge Elementary Students' Book

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about an extraordinary business

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of vocabulary for the reading text


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To lead students in about the topic.

The students are shown a picture of different social media platforms. The teacher checks which ones they know. The students are asked if they use any social media platforms and if they post anything on social media.

Vocabulary Exercise (5 minutes) • To pre-teach vocabulary

The students do a matching picture activity with their pair.

Vocabulary Pronunciation Exercise (5 minutes) • To teach the pronunciation of the new words

The teacher checks what the students have done by nominating students. As they go through the new vocabulary one by one, the teacher teaches the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Warm-up (5 minutes) • To prepare students for gist reading

The students talk about what the text might be about by looking at the pictures. They try to guess his interests and what kind of business he might have started.

Gist reading (5 minutes) • To practice gist reading

The students are given the reading text. They are given 2 minutes to find out what his interests are and which business he started. They are alone. They later check their answers with their pairs.

Detailed reading task 1 (10 minutes) • To practice detailed reading

The students are given a detailed reading task about Ben Silbermann's life in exercise 4. They read and answer the questions alone. Later, they check their answers with their pair.

Detailed reading task 2 (5 minutes) • To give students a task for detailed reading

The students answer multiple-choice questions based on what each paragraph is about.

Producing Language (5 minutes) • To have students produce language

The students read the questions in exercise 5 and answer them in their groups.

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