Ecem Alan Ecem Alan

Teaching Practice 6
Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the present perfect simple versus continuous

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction listening practice using a text about the present perfect simple versus continuous in the contruction of "have".
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of the students' own lives


Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets the students and asks how they feel today. She shows some pictures of her with her best friend (the students already know the other person as she is their previous English teacher). Teacher asks who she is and after the students tell the teacher's friend's name, teacher says "Yes, you both know me and my best friend, but you do not know our relation." She starts talking about her friend by using the target language and asks questions if the students want to share about their friends.

Highlighting (7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After a short classroom discussion, teacher makes students do the activity 6A. They are expected to underline the examples of the present perfect simple and circle examples of the present perfect continuous. To model the activity, teacher does the first example sentence as a whole class. Then, makes students work in pairs to complete the activity. After each pair completes the activity, teacher nominates some of the students and gets feedback from them. After this part, students work with the same pairs and and the activity 6B. They match the given rules with the examples given in the activity 6A. The first rule is done as a whole class and then teacher asks students for the answers.

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

To clarify the meaning, teacher writes two example sentences on the board "I've tried to fix the computer." and " I've been trying to fix the computer." Teacher asks the tenses first and asks some concept check questions; For present perfect simple: Did I try to fix it before? (Yes) Do I still try to fix it? (No) Is the action finished? (Yes) For present perfect continuous: Did I try to fix it before? (Yes) Do I still try to fix it? (Yes) Is the action still continuing? (Yes) After that part, teacher focuses on the same two example sentences again and elicits the formula of both tenses from the students. Present perfect simple: I have tried to fix the computer. = Subject + have V3 + verb + object Present perfect continuous: I have been trying to fix the computer.= Subject + have been verb-ing + verb + object.

Controlled Practice (15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher has students do the activity 2 on page 141 individually. They underline the correct alternative in the given sentences. After everyone completes the activity, students peer check their answers. To answer the questions, teacher nominates some students. After this activity, teacher presents a new controlled practise. Students work individually and do the activity 7A on page 82. They complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous form. After that, teacher plays the audio of the activity and wants students to check their answers and focus on the pronunciation of "have". Then, students compare their answers with their pairs. Finally, activity is completed as a whole class. Before skipping to the next activity, teacher drills some of the example sentences. As for the final activity, students are expected to do the activity 8A. They create proper question sentences by using the given mixed prompts. Afterward, students check their answers with their partners and the teacher gets feedback from them.

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

When it comes to the productive task, teacher regroups the students and she wants them to answer the questions they created in activity 8A according to themselves. Teacher allows them to take some small notes and gives them some time to think about their answers. Then, learners ask the questions to each other and answer them accordingly. While the students ask and answer the questions, teacher walks around and determines some language related mistakes. She takes notes and writes them on the board at the end of the lesson. She elicits from the learners and corrects the mistakes.

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