EsraTopaloglu EsraTopaloglu

Beginners - A1 Level level


In this lesson, the students will learn some basic adjectives and how to use them in sentences.


Abc Bob
Abc Face2Face Beginners Teacher's Book
Abc flash cards
Abc Realia
Abc Wanted Posters
Abc flash cards
Abc flash cards
Abc flash cards
Abc flash cards
Abc flash cards
Abc flash cards
Abc Bob

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of adjectives.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan of an e-mail in the context of people and places.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Warm-up and revise the last class

I am going to use Bob to ask students how much their clothes are to practice prices.

Vocabulary- Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To teach adjectives

I am going to chest the flash cards to show them to the students. I will ask what they see in those cards and try to elicit the adjectives if/that they already know. After drilling, I am going to stick the pictures on the WB and stick the little cards with adjectives all around them. I am going to ask them to come to the board and match the adjectives with the pictures.

Vocabulary- Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To practice the adjectives

I am going to deliver the hand-outs and ask the students to match the adjectives with the picturesin pairs. We are going to check the answers together when they are finished.

Vocabulary- Semi-controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice the adjectives

I am going to stick some wanted posters on the walls and ask the students to fill in the posters according to the picture they see on it. They are also going to be asked to find a name and state an amount of money for the person or animal they want.

Language Pattern: Word order with adjectives (7-8 minutes) • To teach the correct word order while using "very"

I am going to give some exemplary sentences with very+adjective. After that, I am going to divide them into two groups and stick words on the WB in a disordered way. The group which puts them into the correct order will be the winner. After the game, I am going to ask them to look at exercise 3 to do the same.

Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To teach the names of some places

I am going to elicit the new words, asking for examples from the students. We are going to work on the word stress.

Reading for gist (2-3 minutes) • To build receptive skills

I am going to write the question on the board: "Where are Sally and Dan?" and ask the students to skim the e-mail very quickly. When they are done, we will check the answer.

Reading for specific purpose (3-4 minutes) • To build receptive skills

I am going to ask the students to scan the e-mail and see if the statements on page 23 are true or false. When they are finished, we will check the answers together.

Speaking-Freer Practice (4-5 minutes) • To build productive skills

Students are going to choose subjects in the class, mingle and explain it to their friends using adjectives.

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