Ana Ana

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will have been presented with the meaning, form and pronunciation of can, could and be able to in the context of stories about people trying to do difficult things.


Abc MFP handout
Abc Ability PP

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of can, be able to, could in the context of stories about people who try to do difficult things

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about things people have tried to learn in the context of hobbies


Warmer/Lead-in (8-12 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show jamboard slide 1 with the quote. Ask ss to read it - what does it mean? Get the whole group to respond, be patient. Do they know any similar sayings about trying? Share my favorite quote by Marcus Aurelius, rephrased: when you set a goal, you try to reach it. And so your goal is to try. And if you try, you succeed. External circumstances will try to stop you and it will be hard, but if you try, you win. Do they agree with this idea? Next, show slide 2. Show the ss the alternative endings and ask them which ones they like. They read individually, then WCFB. Tell them to create one more ending in pairs. BRs, give them 2 minutes. ICQs: How many do you have to create? at least 1 Do you have to do it in English? yes How much time do you have? 2 min Do you have to work quickly? yes MONITOR Once back in the main room, get some ideas (WCFB). ss can say which saying they like the best.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation + reading for gist

Tell the ss they are going to read about 3 people who have tried to learn something. Tell them to read quickly and find out if any of them were successful at it. Give them 90s to read all three texts. ICQs: Can you read slowly? no Do you have to understand all the words in the texts? no Do you only have to focus on finding the answer to whether they were successful or not? yes WCFB: none of them were successsfull

Reading for detailed information (7-10 minutes) • To provide ss with the opportunity to develop their reading for detailed information skill

Ask the ss to read the sentences in exercise 3. Ask them to make sure they understand all the words. Then give them 3 minutes to do the task individually. ICQ: can you check with the rest of the group? no, not yet MONITOR Once everyone's done. send them to BRs to check in pairs. MONITOR After a few minutes, bring them back. WCFB

Post-receptive production (7-10 minutes) • To give the students the oportunity to respond to the text in a meaningful way

Show slide with question - have you ever tried to learn something and given up? why? Tell them my own experience of learning Kmer. Give them a minute to think of something that's true for themselves Then, in small groups/pairs - depends on the numbers - send them to BRs for 5 minutes. MONITOR Bring everyone back, WCFB (content only, ignore language).

Highlighting (7-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ask the ss to read the text again and complete the gaps with the sentences in exercise 1 on their HO. Tell them they have more time now, give them 4 minutes. Then, check in pairs in BRs, give them another 3 minutes. Then, WCFB, show slide with answers.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning, form Ask the ss to answer the question in ex2 individually. Do the first example together. Give them 3 minutes. Put ss in pairs in BRs, ask them to check/finish the questions together. WCFB and clarification when they come back. Pronunciation Ask the ss to listen. Which words are stressed (stronger)? Then listen again and repeat. Do CGI. I'd LOVE to be ABLE to SKI. We WON'T be ABLE to COME. I can SPEAK ENGLISH. I CAN'T speak ARABIC. Ask: Which words are stressed? able, main verb, negative modal

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Tell ss to look at sentence on slide 4. Get the whole group to answer. Then tell them to do the activity individually and that they gave 4 minutes. ICQs: Where do you write the answer? on the line How much time do you have? 4 min Do you work alone? yes MONITOR Then check in pairs in BRs, 3 minutes, IF TIME. WCFB, take time to clarify.

Semi-Controlled Practice - IF TIME (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show slide with example sentence. Ask the group to guess what the missing words are. Say "Try again" if they don't guess. Once they guess, write the words on the slide. Tell ss that they will do the same in BRs with a partner. They will have a list of sentences with the words missing and their partner will have the completed sentences. First, take a minute to complete the sentences individually. They will take turns to guess. ICQs: Will you use different forms of be able to? yes Can your partner help you? yes Will you take turns? yes Send them to BRs. MONITOR Once back, WCFB.

Free Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

How ss slide with prompt. Then model the activity for them: tell them about my own experience of trying to teach children. Then tell ss to look at ex 4 and choose 2 or three topics they would like to talk about. Give them one minute to think and make notes. Then put them in BRs in pairs or groups of 3, depends on the numbers. MONITOR Bring everyone back after 6-7 minutes and do WCFB - focus on content and language.

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