Edith Edith

TP 4 Edith Fuentes Grammar
A2 level


In this lesson, students will understand and use questions in simple past in the context of a interview of two famous people


Main Aims

  • • To enable students to better understand and use questions in simple past in the context of an interview

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To enable students to develop their listening skill for gist in the context of an interview


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T screen shares the presentation with some photos that are partially hidden and asks ss some questions to activate the botton- down knowledge. Some questions can be: What do you think is the topic today? Technology Are these colors familiar? Yes, they are form Google Who do you think these people are? The invertors of Google?

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will share with ss a link (Forms) and play the audio once so ss can answer. The exercise is a T / F activity, once they have listened to the audio once, T shares the screen with the script and ss listen again, then they submit their answers individually. Finally T gives OCFB.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the FB, T presents Ss the audio script and ask them to identify and underline the questions with "did". They do it in an open class. T asks all students to make sure everyone participates.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T asks Ss CQs to clarify the meaning: Are these actions in the present or in the past? in the past Did these actions happen for a period of time? or just once? Just once Are they true now? no T draws a timeline to specify that the actions happened in the past just once. Form: in the next slide, T asks ss what the first element of the question is and writes them on the board using different colors. What is the first element? the auxiliary did And then? subject What's the form of the verb? simple form Does it change the auxiliary with different subjects? no Can I say? Did Sergey "left" Russia in 1979? No Why? Because the auxiliary is already there Auxiliary did + subject+ verb in simple form + complement + question mark T asks what are the answers to these Qs, S can look at the script again and answer: Yes, they did / no, they didn't Pronunciation: T tell Ss

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares with Ss the link of the presentation in Google Forms and asks them to make yes / no questions with the words on the slide. They have to put them in their correct order. they / at first / each other / Did / like ? Did they like each other at first? Sergey / Did / Maryland University / go to ? Did Sergey go to Maryland university? Larry's parents / teach / mathematics / Did ? Did Larry's parents teach mathematics? study / Sergey / Did / computer science ? Did Sergey study computer science? launch /Google / in 1999 / Sergey and Larry / Did ? Did Sergey and Larry launch Google in 1990? Ss do this exercise individually and check in teams of three people in BORS, then there is OCFB. Pronunciation: Once Ss have the answers T plays the audio so Ss can mark where the stress is in each sentence, Ss mark them individually in OCin the next slides. T conducts choral and individual drilling

Free Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T tells ss they have to ask yes / no questions to each other using the verbs in the box. They have to form and ask 3 questions using the vocabulary given: 1. shopping last weekend? did you go shopping last weekend? 2... a good book last mont? 3....sport on TV last weekend? 4.... the cinema last weekend? Verbs: read, watch, go Ss make the questions in past and ask each other in BORs

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