Rıdvan Pala Rıdvan Pala

Intermediate level


Abc Clare A., Wilson JJ. Speakout. Intermediate Level. Students’ Book (2011). Harlow, Pearson Education

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of verb phrases in the context of success

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of success


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher displays Materail TP5 PPT and shows the pictures of three successful people (Ataturk, Sakip Sabanci, Ajda Pekkan). Teacher asks students who they are and asks the following questions to volunteers. 1) What do they have in common? (after eliciting the word "success" or "successful") 2) What is the best way to be successful? After demonstrating the short discussion with volunteers, teacher pairs up the students and tells them to answer the questions with partners. Teacher elicits their ideas and take notes on the board. S/he checks if they all agree.

Test #1 (8 minutes) • To test students' current understanding and identify gaps in vocabulary related to success

Teacher moves on with Slide 3 and tells students to complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Students do the Activity A individually and check in pairs. After giving instructions, T gives students HO1 and tells them to start. Teacher gets the feedback by nominating students. The answer are embedded on the same slide.

Teach (12 minutes) • To deal with meaning, pronunciation and form of vocabulary related to success

Teacher goes to Slide 4 and tell students to match the definitions with phrases in the box. As there are 6 definitions given, teacher tells them that 2 phrases are extra. T might use the following ICQs to check Ss. -How many phrases are there? +Eight. -How many definitions are there? +Six. -So how many phrases are extra? +Two. Students do the Activity B individually and check in pairs. Teacher gets the feedback by nominating students and ask CCQs to check the meaning. Teacher clicks on the slide to reveal the correct answers and drills the pronunciation.

Test #2 (8 minutes) • To check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test with one controlled and one freer activity.

Teacher moves on with the next slide on the PPT and tell students that they will write three sentences about themselves. The prompts with TL are included on the activity. Students complete the sentences alone and ask their partners to fill in the second column. Each pair will have different prompts in order to practice six of the phrases given in Activity B. Teacher monitors the students and take notes of their errors and mistakes.

Free practice (8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher moves on with the next slide and tells students to think about two people who are very successful for them. T asks students to answer two questions in Activity C. When they are done, T tells them to share and compare their answers with their partners.

Feedback (4 minutes) • To provide feedback on use of target language and deal with errors and problems

Teacher writes common errors and mistakes on the board and asks students what problems there are in each sentence.

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