zeynab moradi zeynab moradi

How to live your life more slowely .
American english fill2 level


In this session students are going to listen about how they enjoy your life the expert gives them some tips about life and teacher teach them vocabulary is related to listening .and then listen to listening for 2 times and after that answer question and finaly have discussion about topic is related to life .


Abc American english fill2 book

Main Aims

  • To provide details listening and gist about whats the whole summery of listening.
  • To provide gist

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide student answer the task .


Warmer/ lead- in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage student

The teacher start talking to students Are they enjoy their life despite of some problems ?! Or not just they are nagging from their life ?! And what they do to enjoy every moment of their life.

Pre- listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accesible

In this stage , the teacher is going to teach student two vocabularies ( prioroty and multitask ) of the listening and show them picture and give them some definition of this words to help them learn better.

While-listening #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide student with less challenging gist and specific information reading /listening task

Students are going to listen for first time and answer this question: how many tips expert gives us about life ?! And whats the purpose of this listening ?! ( short summery about listening)

While-listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide student with less challenging detailed, deductiob and inference reading /listening task

For second time The students are going to listen carefully and deeper to answer the missing some word in exersice (a) is related to listening . And then write one example for each tips. They will check their answers in pair and then with whole class

Post- listening (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the listening and expand on what they ve learn

The student are going to be divided into groups of 2 and disscuss what things is enjoyable for you ,you do in your free time .

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