Juan Pablo Suarez Riano Juan Pablo Suarez Riano

Speaking Skills Lesson Plan - Dos and Don'ts
Upper Intermediate level


Using the theme of health and fitness, this lesson encourages upper-intermediate English learners to practice speaking abilities related to giving advice and expressing obligations. The discussion of exercise routines is followed by the introduction of helpful language constructions for expressing dos and don'ts. The students then engage in role-playing activities while switching partners to have a variety of experiences. The lesson is concluded with feedback that identifies areas for development and effective language use. To further their comprehension and application of the language structures from the lesson, students complete a "Dos and Don'ts" list on a health-related subject as homework.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Health and fitness

Subsidiary Aims

  • To promote students' listening skills and their ability to respond appropriately within the context of role-play situations.
  • To provide students with constructive feedback on their language use, assisting in the identification and correction of any errors, and acknowledging their effective use of language.
  • To expand students' vocabulary and expressions related to giving advice and expressing obligation in the context of health and fitness.
  • To enhance students' confidence in using English to express their views and ideas about health and fitness.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To contextualise the lesson.

The instructor talks about their own fitness-related experiences or behaviors. For instance, "I always remember to drink a lot of water and stretch before I start my day." Next, the teacher poses two free-form questions to the class: 1. "What healthy behaviors do you follow to maintain your fitness?" 2. "What unhealthy behaviors should people avoid for good health, in your opinion?"

Content Preparation (1-2 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

A Google Form with three questions about students' exercise habits is created by the teacher and distributed to the class. How about "What is your daily exercise routine?" or "How do you fend off the urge to eat junk food?"

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. Students are referred to the Useful Language sections on page 65 of the Student's Book. 2. The teacher explains and gives examples of each phrase for Dos, Don'ts, and Both. Dos: Always remember ... Start by-ing Take every opportunity to ... Don'ts: Resist the temptation to ... Avoid ... Both: Make sure you (don't) ... it's important (not) to ... You should (never) ... You might ... If you don't ... Be careful (not) to ... 3. Students are given a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the phrases and construct a couple of sentences using these phrases.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students are then paired or grouped together. They are tasked with discussing their answers to the Google Forms questions, using the phrases learnt during the preparation stage. The teacher sets a timer for each discussion round and ensures that each student gets an opportunity to share their thoughts. Students rotate partners or groups at least twice, or three times if time permits. This gives them a chance to hear different viewpoints and also to practice their speaking skills with different people

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. Based on their observation of the conversations, the teacher offers group feedback following the speaking assignment. 2. The feedback focuses on how well the phrases taught in the lesson are used as well as any recurring mistakes or problems noted. 3. Depending on its importance to the entire class, individual feedback is also given when necessary, either in private or as part of the collective feedback.

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