Mona Mona

Reading Lesson
Intermediate Plus level


In this lesson, students will read about the upcoming "Barbie" movie directed by Sophia Coppola. Students can practice gist reading, new related vocabulary, skimming, and detailed reading.


Abc Reading article

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of new vocabulary in the context of a news article.
  • To provide practice with interpreting written text, including identifying main ideas, supporting details, and making inferences.
  • To provide learners with review and practice of various reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, and detailed reading.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide learners with an opportunity to be exposed to different reading materials from around the world to promote tolerance and open-mindedness.
  • To provide practice with deduction and making connections between the reading passage and their prior knowledge or experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greetings and learning outcomes Play the Barbie trailer 3mins (send the link in the group chat and also share the screen to play) -Have you seen this trailer before? -Have you heard anything about this movie? -Do you recognize any of the actors in the trailer we just watched?

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teaching the words by eliciting what students know about these vocabulary words: -stereotype -inclusivity -embracing These words will be highlighted and reviewed through a simple matching activity in which in groups, students match a real-life scenario to the word. Ex: - Stereotypes: "Assuming all doctors are wealthy because they earn a high salary." - Inclusivity: "Creating a classroom environment where students of all backgrounds feel respected and included." - Embracing: "Welcoming a new student to the school and making them feel part of the community."

While-Reading #1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Students will get a first look at the provided article about the Barbie movie. In groups, they will answer the following true or false questions based on the text: 1. Sophia Coppola is known for directing the movie "Lost in Translation." (True) 2. The new "Barbie" movie will show Barbie in the same way as before. (False) 3. The goal of the movie is to break stereotypes and show Barbie as a complex character. (True) 4. The new "Barbie" movie will feature a diverse cast. (True) 5. The aim of inclusivity in the movie is to make it less relatable to a wider audience. (False)

While-Reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Ask students to read the text carefully in order to answer these questions and discuss their answers in groups. 1. How does the text describe Sophia Coppola's approach to filmmaking? 2. What is the goal of the new "Barbie" movie? 3. How does the inclusion of a diverse cast contribute to the film? Encourage participants to read the text carefully and answer the questions to test their understanding of the information provided. After the activity, discuss the answers and allow participants to share their thoughts and opinions on the upcoming "Barbie" movie.

Post-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In pairs, students will be asked to discuss together whether they would go see the Barbie movie based on the information given to them through the reading.

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