Andrea Bravo Andrea Bravo

TP6_ Functional language_Andrea Bravo
Upper-intermediate level


This is a functional language lesson whose objective is to provide Ss the opportunitty to develop the language and interact with other classmates.


No materials added to this plan yet.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for making and responding to suggestions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To introduce and explain new vocabulary to facilitate listening understanding. • To encourage students to develop the language and sharing personal experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T welcomes the class and shows Ss some questions: -When did you last go out with friends? - Where did you go and whose idea was it to go there? -Did you enjoy yourself? Why?/Why not? -T asks some Ss to answer the questions.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To expose learners to TL

T shows some images from A to D and asks Ss: -What are they advertising? -T plays an audio about two friends discussing what to do and asks Ss: -What do they decide to do in the end? -T asks Ss to complete a task in which they have some phrases from the audio and Ss have to clasify them with the correct heading. Ss will have 5 minutes and once they finish T gives OCF.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T presents Ss some phrases from the audio and asks Ss to look at them and explains that they are part of the target language.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Once the T presented the phrases, she explains the use for each one and makes emphasis on the stress, weak sound, and contractions. 1) What do you want to do this evening? 2) We could go out for a meal 3) Sorry, I've got a lot on tomorrow 4) I am easy, whatever you are 5) Yes, that sounds good for me

Controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

T asks Ss to complete a scrambled sentence task in which the students have to organize the words provided to create the correct sentence. T asks Ss to work individually and then check their answers with a peer in breakout rooms (if there is enough time).

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to use the TL fluently.

T asks Ss to work individually and make a list of some good places to go and things to do in the town/city they are in now. (3 minutes) Then T asks them to work with a peer and suggest their places agreeing on which places to visit and when to do it. (3 minutes)

Feedback and DEC (2-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T gives FB on Ss language. (If there is time) - T asks if there are any questions left. - T ends the class.

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