Samah Samah

Copy of Making Predictions
Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about using some model verbs (will, won't, may, might, etc) with some adverbs (probably, certainly,....) to express possibility and predictions in the future. The context her is life in the future and it's presented through a reading text. The lesson starts with a brief discussion about the students predictions for the future. this is followed by a quick reading task in which ss are asked to underline 6 predictions from the text. Then present and clarify the TL through a matching task. After that there is a controlled practice activity, so that ss can practice the TL. Finally, a semi-controlled in which ss make more predictions related to their life, using the TL.


Abc answer keys
Abc board and markers
Abc Flash cards
Abc handouts
Abc answer keys
Abc answer keys
Abc board and markers
Abc handouts

Main Aims

  • • To provide clarification and practice of making predictions in the context of Predicting the future.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To practise less/semi-controlled speaking activity using TL.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* Start the lesson with a quick discussion about the future through asking "What do you think will be different 10 years from now?" Ss answers may vary, e.g. life will be easier". * Elicit sentences from ss and get them to say to what extent are they sure of what they've predicted.

Stage 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

* Use short stories and definitions to convey the meaning of the new vocabulary. * Highlight the stress of the new words and drill them with ss. *Tell ss that they are going to read the text quickly to underline 6 predictions. * Make it clear that they don't have to understand every thing in the text as it isn't our main concern. *Give ss 90 seconds to read and underline. * They check their answers in pairs.

Stage 2 (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

* Elicit some sentences from ss about the life in the future. Ask them how they will say them if they aren't sure. * Show ss flash cards with prediction phrases and a line with 100% at the top and 0% at the bottom. *Ask them to work in groups to put the phrases in the right place on the line. Give them 3 minutes to carry out the task. *Group check each other answers. * Provide an answer key.

Stage 3 (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

* Elicit the TL from the ss and clarify using examples. * Go over the example together and point out that ss can change other parts of the sentences as well to reflect their opinions more accurately. * Ss tackle the exercise in pairs orally. * Put ss into new pairs to discuss their answers.

Stage 4 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

* In this exercise ss are asked to write 10 predictions of their own related to their lives. * To start ss off, give a few personalized predictions of your own. * Stress that this can be either long- or short-term prediction. * Ss form pairs to exchange their predictions and discuss it 9if there is enough time).

Feed back (8-10 minutes) • To find out to what extent did the ss acquire the target language

* Content feed back: Elicit some personal prediction from ss related to their personality. * Language feed back: Correct the most important errors that appeared during the lesson.

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