Eric Amorim Eric Amorim

TP7 LP Eric Amorim
Pre Intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • Students will be able to process and produce an informal email in the context of writing to an old friend.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to practice reading for gist and improve their vocabulary in the context of writing an informal email.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll show a picture of me and a friend and ask students some guessing questions like who we are, what our relationship is, and if Ss think we have seen each other recently or not. And I'll ask some personal questions if Ss have an old friend who they haven't seen for a long time, but would still like to keep in touch.

Gist and Layout (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

From: Eric Amorim [] To: Vasco Pineda [] Subject: A voice from the past Hi Vasco! Remember me??!! How are things with you? I hope you’re well. Last time we met you were still at university in Rio, but I guess you’re working now. What are you doing? I remember you always wanted to work with children. Are you still with Liza or is that all in the past now? What are your parents doing these days? Send them my love, will you? I now work as an English teacher and at the moment I’m living in Buenos Aires, working from home. I absolutely love it here, and I’m getting a teaching certificate from Cambridge - I don’t know yet if I'm going to move back to Brazil or stay in Argentina. As for my family, my parents are really well. Dad retired three years ago and they’re traveling all over the world these days. They came to see me here a few months ago. And remember my big brother Marcos? He’s married now and has two children, so his life’s really changed. Well, I think that’s all the main news from me. Maybe we could meet up when I’m back in Sao Paulo? Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Wishes, Eric Amorim PS: I’ve attached some photos of me now. ... I’ll put Ss in pairs to answer these questions: Gist task: Read the email once. What do you learn about Vasco and Eric? Consider giving them options for their answers to save time here Layout: How many paragraphs are there? What information does each paragraph contain? What’s the purpose of the words in bold? Is the writing formal, neutral, or informal? Do we use contractions in an informal email? Does PS mean...? a. This isn't very important information. b. I forgot to say this before. Ok, but consider guiding ss more here. Open questions will take more time than giving Ss options. Probably youy can ahe a matching task for the layout I'll provide feedback and clarify meaning and appropriacy.

Formulaic Language (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I’ll put students in pairs to answer these questions: How can you say ‘Hi’, and ‘How are things with you?’ more formally? Does 'Looking forward to hearing from you' mean...? a. I hope you write again soon. b. I'm going to write to you again soon. What form of the verb do you use after “Looking forward to…”? What’s the meaning of ‘will you?’ in ‘Send them my love, will you?’? What other words can I substitute ‘will' in the question? Here are some other ways to finish an email. What do you think is the relationship between the people? Lots of love         All my love             Regards           Best Wishes Then, on OCFB, I’ll clarify MAF more systematically of the words and phrases: Ok, but make sure you are also systematic in the GD task. They need to finish M before moving to F Hi (informal) = Hello/Dear (name) [more formal] How are things with you? (informal) = How are you doing? (more formal) Send them my love, will you? Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes *now here is my action point for the next TP, how can I clarify well the form of fixed phrases like "Best wishes" or "Hi"? I'll just say it's fixed, and that there are other ways to say this without saying grammatical features, such as nouns, verbs, etc... Yes, but elicit this from Ss, otherwise you will be giving information away.

Productive Task (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Now think about what you and your family have been doing recently and take brief notes. Write an informal email to an old friend giving all your news. Make sure to write at least 3 paragraphs, and include an intro and closing for the email. Paragraph 1: asking for news Paragraph 2: giving your news Paragraph 3: giving your family's news I’ll give 2 minutes to students for some thinking time and take notes. Then, I’ll send them the link for the template on Google Docs. Consider giving them access to a doc so they can type their ideas in the scaffolding time. I’ll monitor the students’ writing. Remember you need to provide Ss with on-the-spot FB.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Now read your partner’s email and think about these questions: Is it structured and organized well? Are there at least 3 paragraphs? Is there an intro and closing for the email? Is the language appropriate for an informal email? Is it easy to read? Are there any errors? I'll give students 2 minutes to read their peer's emails individually before sending them to breakout rooms to analyze the checklist above. After their peer correction, I’ll ask them content-related questions like “Did you like (name’s) email?”, and “Would you reply to this email if he/she were your friend?” And then I’ll provide DEC giving some good examples to be corrected as open-class feedback.

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