Ivan Ivan

TP 6 - Speaking (misunderstandings)
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice for fluency in the context of dealing with misunderstanding through different tasks.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of dealing with misunderstandings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of expressions and questions used to clarify meaning


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) T shares PPT screen to show SS a video about a misunderstanding in a conversation (0:30 sec) 2) T elicits from SS the reasons that caused the misundertanding and elicits from SS the word "misunderstanding" by asking them what type of mistake this is.

Content Preparation (6-7 minutes) • To provide the lexis needed for coming tasks

1) T shows SS a PPT (that includes different expressions and questions to be used instead of just "what?" or "I don't understand" when asking for repetition or clarification 2) Before showing such expressions, T elicits from SS more ways to ask for Rep or Clarif. 3) There are around 10 expressions, go over them quickly but focus on 3-4 (highlighted in yellow) 4) Point out that during a misunderstanding, being polite is useful. Avoid expressions such as "What?". Won't help to solve the misunderstanding. 5) This will take 3 min 6) T lets SS know there is a short task (fill out the blanks) Also 3 min 7) Take 1 more minute to check answers

Language Preparation (MAFP) (6-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1) T shares PPT 2) Grammatical analysis of two selected expressions from the previous stages. Model, elicit and drill with SS these 2 expressions 3) Use of visual aids to further improve the analysis 4-5 min 4) To make the transition from MAFP to the Speaking smoother, T shows video about a group of friends dealing with a misunderstanding. 5) Ask SS why did the misunderstanding happen and elicit 1-2 possible solutions 2 min

Speaking (10-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1) Tells students what the task is about - SS will work in pairs - Each pair will get an Scenario (which they'll have to read, understand and solve) - SS have to use they previously seen expressions and/or questions in their conversations - SS have 3 min to prepare After the 3min prep: - SS will do the task - T monitors each BOR - Task lasts 3min After this, T reassigns the groups - Each new group will have to do same task as before, but with a NEW PEER and a NEW SCENARIO - 3min to prepare (or less, if they're quick) - Then, do the task While T monitor each BOR, T collects info about any mistakes made by SS.

Delayed Error Correction & Feedback (4-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Depending on the amount of mistakes found during the Speaking task, T will take more or less time accordingly. T will take into acount any other mistakes he spotted. Provide feedback in a general manner, meaning don't focus/target one student in particular

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