Ebru Senli Ebru Senli

Story Telling, Speaking and Listenıng
Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will practice on listening and speakıng. Ss will learn vocabulary, increase listening skills and focus on intonation. Ss will also learn how to keep a story going and how they react. The lesson will begin with a short warm up this will be a short story about a white lie and the students will guess if the story told is true or a lie. Ss will gather in groups of 3 and will look at handouts with pictures to tell the story within there group, this will increase their reading and understanding skills. Ss learn 6 new vocabulary, they will be asked about allergic reactions and what will happen when they are allergic, this will guide if the students already know these vocabulary and these words will be shown by pictures. Ss will listen to 2 audio and and work in pairs to exchange ideas and will practice dialogue. At the end of the lesson students will be asked to listen to the final story and have time to re-tell the story and have an O/C discussion.


Abc Audio
Abc Cards
Abc Students Book

Main Aims

  • Speaking and Learning Vocabulary

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text the context is about telling a story and how to begin and keep the story going.


Story telling (3-4 minutes) • Lead İn / Warm Up

The aim of this stage is to get students attention and give an idea on the tasks we will be covering during the lesson.

Introduction (3-6 minutes) • T shows pictures from the books for students to guess the story

Put Ss into groups of 3, Ss to focus on the Picture and elicit what they can see in each one. Ss will re-order the pictures an one person from each group will tell the story.

Pre-teaching Vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • Ss need to learn new words during the lesson so they can understand the task we are covering

T prints out pictures demostrating each vocabulary and sticks them on the board with definitions and asks Ss to guess and match pictures with definitions (elicit). Give real life examples or ask Ss if they ever had a allergic reaction shown on the picture / (concept check). Repeat each word with students (choral drilling) and define the syllable and the stress on each vocab.

Audio (8-10 minutes) • Ss to focus and understand the audio (gist)

Ss work in pairs to complete this task, Ss will listen to the audio for 2 mins 20 seconds and re-order the pictures. Ss will listen to the story again but first T gives instructions for Ss to complete task 4a and will check in pairs. T will give instructions on task 4a and ask students to listen to the audio again and tick the sequences they hear from the handouts given by T. T will monitor and support Ss if needed.

Drill and Dialogue (8-10 minutes) • The aim is for students to understand and pronounce the words correct and will focus on intonation

Ss will complete task 2.3 pg131. T will drill the phrases wıth inotation with Ss, T gives instructions and examples on phrases given to the students on handouts. Ss work alone to complete task 2.3 pg131 T will give one example filling the gaps and Ss will do peer checking and practice dialogue together. T gives sequnecers on cards, one set for each pair Ss will use the cards to re-tell the story and turn card over when completed, Ss should try to use all cards. T monitors and supports Ss

Feed Back / OC (2-3 minutes) • To check if students understood the dialogue (elicit)

Ss will listen to the second audio 2.8 T will ask the students if they think the story was true or a lie and discuss within their group. Ss will listen to the Audio again and have a open class dıscussion to conclude the lesson.

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