Deneesha Williams Deneesha Williams

TP8_LP8_Deneesha Williams
Advanced, C1/C2 level


In this lesson students learn about adding emphasis using the inductive approach.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and to provide practice of grammer for adding emphasis

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for adding emphasis in the context of of family and people


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1.T will show a picture for students to guess what the topics is. "Hi, guys, good day, how is everyone?... So today I would like to show you thes pictures, and I want you to think about what the pictures have in common. Next we will answer the questions: What do you notice when you compare and contrast the pictures? What type of art do you think this is called? What words can we use to describe what is happening to the single object but not the others?

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will share a google form with dialogue text from Face to Face SB. First ss will gist read using a google form for 3 minutes. Following gist ss will be given another google form where they will have to fill in the gap to complete the sentences. "Ok, guys, now I am going to copy and paste the link to a google form in the chat. Read the text for three minutes...... Now that you got a gist of the text, you will complete a fill in the gap exercise related to the text. You are going to do this individually. You have 4 minutes." ICQ - what to do/ind or group/task time Feedback (answer key).

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Meaning is covered in tasks one through two of this Google form.- These tasks include deciding which sentences show emphasis and the use of antonyms and synonyms related to target language. 2.. Pronunciation is presented in exercise 3 with students deciding the intonation of the sentences from the aspect of a positive or negative tone. 3. Form is covered in exercises 4 and 5. For these exercises out of five sentences students have to choose which three match the structure given to them. ICQ them - what to do/ind or group/time Task time 8 minutes OCFB - 2 minutes

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Exercise 5a will be adapted from text for students to complete. T will give a task where students need to implement some words to sentences in order to give appropriate emphasis to them. "Ok, now these sentences do not have emphasis to them. Please add the words in the parentheses wherever it is appropriate in order to make these sentences more emphatic". You have 6 minutes to do this. You will do this individually. 2. ICQ them/what to do/Ind or in group/time Following allow students to discuss answers in pairs for 3 minutes. 1 minute OCFB Exercise Sample:. Rewrite the sentences using the introductory phrases in 3a. Begin the sentences with the words in brackets. 1 I admire Judy's patience. (What) What I admire about Judy is her patience. 2 I like Judy's cooking because it's really healthy. (The thing) 3 Judy amazes me because she never gets angry. (One thing) 4 I worry about Martin because he drives so fast. (The thing) s I love Martin's sense of humour. (One thing) 6 I don't like the way Val interrupts me. (What) 7 Harry never remembers my birthday. That annoys me. (What)

Free Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will be placed in break out rooms and given a task that helps them to use the TL with one another. 6 minutes.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Address errors made by students throughout. Present common errors associated with topic.

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