Gabriela Gabriela

Grammar verb patterns: perfect infinitives and perfect -ing
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced and practice lexis verb partterns. Students will learn perfect infinitives and perfect, its meaning, form and pronunciation. Students will have the opportunity to practice the language in different stages of the lesson


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Main Aims

  • To provide and practice verb patterns in the context of leisure, relaxation and stress.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of of adjectives in the context of stress


Lead in • to contextualise the lesson and create interest into the lesson.

T asks Ss about their recent leisure activities and whether they have ever felt stressed or needed to relax. Encourage them to use verbs in their responses.

Text work • To identify the target language

T shares slides with sentences related to leisure, relaxation, and stress, using perfect infinitives and perfect -ing. For example: Perfect Infinitive: She's happy to have finished reading the book. Perfect -ing: They're excited about having been traveling around Europe.

Meaning, form and pronunciation • To clarify the target language

Meaning: Explain the meaning of perfect infinitives and perfect -ing verb patterns, highlighting that they describe actions that happened before a certain point in time or event. Form: Break down the structure of each pattern, emphasizing the auxiliary verb "have" and the past participle (-ed or irregular verb form) used in both forms. Provide clear examples and allow students to ask questions. Content Checking Questions: Ask students questions to check their understanding of the meaning and form. For example: When do we use perfect infinitives? (To describe actions completed before a certain point in time or event) What is the structure of perfect infinitives? (Subject + have + past participle) Pronunciation Practice (10 minutes): Model and Repeat: Pronounce example sentences containing perfect infinitives and perfect -ing, emphasizing stress and intonation. Have students listen and repeat after you. Individual Practice: Provide sentences with gaps for students to complete using perfect infinitives or perfect -ing. They read the sentences aloud, focusing on correct pronunciation.

Controlled Practice • To practice the form focusing in accuracy.

Interactive Practice (15 minutes): Activity 1: Sentence Completion - Display or distribute sentences related to leisure, relaxation, and stress, with gaps for students to complete using perfect infinitives or perfect -ing. They work individually or in pairs, then share their completed sentences with the class. Activity 2: Role-play - Assign pairs of students different scenarios related to leisure, relaxation, or stress. They create dialogues using perfect infinitives and perfect -ing. Encourage them to focus on pronunciation and natural language use.

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