Lorena Chavelas Lorena Chavelas

TP4_Lorena Chavelas
Elementary level


In this lesson Students will learn the Present simple in its affirmative and interrogative forms. They will have the opportunity to practice the structures in controlled practice and free practice.


Abc Google Forms
Abc Class presentation

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have understood the meaning, form and pronunciation of the present simple (in its affirmative & interrogative forms) and will be able to use it in a personalized speaking practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice with the target language.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Screen slide share of two famous actors (Nicole K. and Leonardo DiCaprio). I will ask students what their daily activities are. Students will have a word bank to express their thoughts about Nicole & Leo´s daily routine. Example: Nicole gets up at 9. Leo starts work at ten. Nicole leaves home at 11. Leo has lunch at 1.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Screen share slide of actress Kari Mitchell. Before we read an interview with actress Kari Mitchell and read about her daily activities, students will be asked to predict her routine.For this purpose I will be using Google-Forms. Correct answers: When does Kari gets up? 4.30 When does she leave home? 5.30 When does she get to the studio? 6.00 When does she start work? 7.00 When does she have lunch? 1.00 Student will read for gist. Afterwards Students will have the chance to see their answers and correct their predictions, students will be asked to find each answer answers in the text and I will mark them to make them aware of the Target Language.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Share screen slide with all the activities of Kari in a day. Activities will be mixed so I will ask Students to help me order them. Students will read WH questions and will help me match the right answer in the present simple. When does Kari get up? Kari gets up at 4.30 in the morning. When does Kari leave home? She leaves home at 5.30 When does Kari get to work? She gets to the studio at 6.00 When does Kari have breakfast? She has breakfast at 6.15 When does she start work? She starts work at 7.00 When does she have lunch ? She has lunch at 1.00 What time does Kari finish work? She finishes work at 9.00 pm

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Screen share slide with the question what do we use the present simple for? Students will see two options: a) past events b) daily routines. I expect students to answer b. I´ll show a slide with a timeline indicatin g that habits / routines happen repeatedly. Next slide has 4 sentences and 4 uses of present simple. I will guide students, They live in Paris, is this a habit, routine, permanent situation or fact? Permanent Situation. Next sentence: John doesn´t drink alcohol, is this an habit, routine, fact? Habit. Next sentence: Kari goes to bed at 11 pm, is this a routine or fact? Routine. Lions eat meat, is this a fact? Form: Screen share slide with conjugation. I will ask students to help me conjugate the verb leave. I leave, you leave, he/she/it leaves, we, you, they leave. I will highlight the "S" in the 3rd person singular which normally is forgotten. On the next slide students will see the question forms with auxiliary do/does. Kari, do you have friends in L.A? Does Kari have friends in L.A? make students notice that do/ does questions require yes/no answers. Students will have to fill in the gaps with the auxiliary and verb form. Highlight does for 3rd person singular. Screen share slide"lets interview Kari". I will share a table I will elicit students name to read each question, answer it and help me get them each word into the columns. Qu-word / auxiliary / subject / verb infinitive/ complement 1When do you finish work? 2 What time do you get home? 3. Where do you have dinner? 4. Do you like Los Angeles? 5. Do you have friends ? Pronunciation: Screen share slide with three sentences. Stress and intonation will be highlighted. Students will hear the audio and repeat chorally and individually. I get up at four thirty in the morning. Where do you live? Where do you work?

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will work individually in two exercises. Fill in the gaps. When do you finish work? K: Most days we __finish___work at about 9.00 D: You ___start__ work at 7.00 and you _finish_____ work at 9.00!! K: Yes, it´s a very long day, but sometimes I _sleep_______ for an hour in the afternoon. D: What time do you get home? K: I ____get____ home at about 9.30 D: Where do you have dinner? K: Usually at home while I learn my lines for the next day. Then I __go______ to sleep 11.00 In the next exercise Students will have to order the questions: Where / live / you / do ? Where do you live? 2 you / do / Where / work ? Were do you work? 3 What time / get up / you / do ? What time do you get up? 4 start / When / do / you / work or classes ? When do you work or start classes? 5 do / What time / get / you / home ? What time do you get home? 6 dinner / do / When / you / have ? When do you have dinner? Students will have the opportunity to check answers with peers and then I will conduct OCF.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Share screen slide with WH-questions about Students routine in which they can personalize the items learnt. Where do you work/study? Where do you have lunch? When do you get up? What do you do after work? When do you get home? What do yu have for breakfast? When do you go to bed? What time do you leave home? Students will work in pairs or groups of three and take turns. Monitor and conduct Delayed error correction.

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