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Abc Google Slides
Abc Google Forms 1
Abc Google Forms 2
Abc Flipchart
Abc BookWidgets

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of should and shouldn't in the context of giving suggestions and pieces of advice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide further fluency practice in speaking tasks.
  • To provide students with further listening practice for gist and detail.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students look at a picture of a person at the doctor's. The teacher asks where the person is and elicits as many answers as possible. Possible answers: She's at the doctor's for a checkup. She feels bad. She's got COVID. She's got a headache. She's got a stomachache.

Highlighting (4-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Students listen to a conversation between a doctor and his patient (Mrs. Lee) – students decide whether Mrs. Lee is fit and healthy or not and share their answers on a Google Form (see materials attached). Question: Is she fit and healthy? Why/Why not? Possible answers: - She's fine! - She's really fit and healthy! - She's not very fit and healthy! (correct answer) - She eats pizza! Students listen to the conversation again and answer the following: 1. How often does she go to the gym? - Three times a month. 2. What does she usually eat? - Pizzas, sausages, and biscuits. 3. What advice does the doctor give her? - She shouldn't eat so many pizzas and biscuits; she should eat more fruit and vegetables; she should do some exercise three times a week; she should get a dog.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning - students work in pairs/groups and identify whether should and should not are used to talk about advice or imperative orders. Match the sentences with one of the categories: Orders: - Eat a lot of fruit! - Sit down! - Don't eat chocolate! - Wake up early. - Walk in the mornings. Advice/suggestions: - You shouldn't eat so many pizzas and biscuits. - She should eat more fruit and vegetables. - You should do some exercise three times a week. - She should get a dog and walk in the morning. Appropriacy - students identify the register of the modal verb should. The modal verb should is formal and is used in less casual situations to give polite instructions. Form - students acknowledge and identify the structure to be used with should. Marker sentences to be used: + She should eat more fruit and vegetables – subject + should + base verb + complement. - You shouldn't eat many pizzas and biscuits – subject + shouldn't + base verb + complement. ? Should she eat vegetables? – should + subject + base form of the verb + complement. After should and shouldn't, we use the infinitive without to - the base form of the verb. Pronunciation - students identify and practice connected speech. The words into slashes indicate the latter. Marker sentences to be used: She /should eat/ more /fruits and/ vegetables. She should /get a/ dog and /walk in/ the morning.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students complete a fill-in-the-blanks activity for further practice on should and should not using BookWidgets (see materials attached). The markers sentences to be used: (should) (shouldn't) 1. You (should) go swimming every week. 2. She (shouldn't) eat big meals in the evening. 3. You (should) eat more salads. 4. He (should) drive to work every day. 5. They (should) walk to work twice a week. 6. You (shouldn't) sit and watch TV every evening. The teacher offers help if need be. Students check the correct answers in an open-class fashion.

Free Practice (12-18 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students discuss several problems and their possible solutions by using the following exponents: - (I think) you should... - Well, you should... - In my opinion, you should... The teacher models an example and asks students to think of some problems; the samples to be used are as follows: - I want to practice English more. What should I do? - I can't sleep at night. What should I do? - I forgot my best friend's birthday. What should I do? - I hate my job, but I need the money. What should I do? - A friend bought a present, but I hate it. What should I do? - I need a holiday, but I don't have money. What should I do? The teacher elicits as many answers as possible and then allocates students to different Breakout Rooms so as to discuss other problems and advice. The teacher monitors each room to offer help if need be. Should there be enough time, students will be swapped so that they can work with different peers. Once back in the main room, the teacher will provide students with relevant feedback in an open class fashion.

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