Marcelo Marcelo

TP 6_ LP_ Marcelo Abalos.
Intermediate. level


This is a speaking lesson where students will practice and revise functional language to agree and disagree.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy of functional language to agree and disagree saying who they prefer and explaining their choice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy using fixed language phrases.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In order to introduce the topic, I will show them pictures of some famous singers and of two possible managers of a pop group and I will ask them three contextualized questions. I will nominate some students to answer them orally annotating their contributions. Finally, I will conduct OCFB. The questions that I will ask them are: 1. Do you know them? 2. Are they famous in your country? 3. In your opinion, Which candidate has the appropiate kind of image for being the manager of a pop group?

Exposure (6-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

I will ask the students to choose orally the correct option of different contextualized agreeing and disagreeing language phrases. We will discuss their answer all together.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Firstly, I will ask the students to classify some phrases of the presented target language. Secondly, I will ask them to say if some phrases of the target language are formal, neutral or informal. Thirdly, I will ask the students to read and analyze the form of each presented language phrase observing and paying attention to the functional language. Then, I will model words and tones, I will ask my student to drill after me and finally I will ask my students to identify contractions, number of syllables, stress, linkings and intrusive sounds. I will ask them questions such as: 1. In sentence one there is a contraction, isn´t it? 2. The word “is” is a noun, a verb or an auxiliary verb? 3. Is there any linking at sentence two? 4. What about the tone of sentence two, is it a raising or a falling one? 5. In sentence two: How many syllables does the word “experience” contain? Which syllable is accented? 6. Who was able to find the contractions at sentence two? 7. Is there any linking at sentence three? 8. What about the tone of sentence three?

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Speaking 1: I will ask the students to read about two possible candidates, make notes about their "good" and "bad" points and then I will ask them to speak with their partners at BOR using fixed phrases provided. Speaking 2: I will ask them to imagine that they are members of a famous pop group and that they have to decide who will be their next manager. I will divide the students in groups of three member at BOR. Two of them will have to interview the future candidate. Then, they will have to decide if She/He will be chosen or not using the learnt language phrases. The students will ask the future candidate about the following: 1. Age. 2. Personal appearance. 3. Personal experience. 4. Popular in the musical business. 5. Strengths and weaknesses at negotiating contracts. 6. Musical contacts. 7. Good points and bad points at organizing appearances and concerts. 8. Future duties as a manager. 9. Present location. 10. Scandals. 11. Known by any recording company.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

During all the stages I will take down notes about the different oral mistakes I will listen to. By the end of the lesson I will provide my students with feedback on language based on my monitoring of the task.

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