Edith Edith

TP-2 Edith Fuentes Soriano
A2 level


In this lesson, Ss develop the listening subskills of gist and detail in the context of activities in an office.


Abc Face to Face course book
Abc Google slides

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about meeting, contract, conference in the context of office

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency and understand some key vocabulary items.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share the audio of people working in an office and ask students to brainstorm words related to the sound, T will write down the words on the board and ask Ss "What do you think is the topic today?".

Pre-Reading/Listening (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

M&F Screen share slide and demonstrate how to match words to pictures to definitions. Ask one or two CQs and FCQs from TLAS. A customer: someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company etc. A report: a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need A letter: a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail A conference: a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business, politics, or science, especially for several days. A message: a spoken or written piece of information that you send to another person or leave for them A contract: an official agreement between two or more people, stating what each will do A company: a business organization that makes or sells goods or services A meeting: n event at which people meet to discuss and decide things P: Ask how many syllables they have and where the stress is, mark it on a board, and ask them to put the circle on the stressed syllable. Drill chorally and individually.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Share Slide in chat. Get Ss to predict what is happening in the pictures, they write the answers in the chat and compare answers in OC. After that T tells Ss they have to choose the correct option for each statement after they listen to the audio. T plays the audio once, then Ss check if their predictions were correct and select the correct word for each statement, after that they compare answers of the exercise in BORs, then they will get FBOC.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Show task in screen, tell students they have to decide who says the following statements. T plays the audio again and then asks Ss to compare their answers in BORs. Then check answers in OC. 1 I'm waiting for a taxi. Frank 2 They're sitting in your office. Janet 3 They aren't looking very happy. Janet 4 She's working at home today. Liz 5 I'm not doing anything important at the moment. Liz 6 Danny isn't doing anything. Liz

Post-Reading/Listening (7-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks students to answer the following questions in pair in BORs, then they share their answers in OC where they receive feedback, then T does some DEC (Delayed Error Correction): what are some reasons why people are late? When is it ok to arrive late? Are you a punctual person? Do you dislike waiting for someone in a public space (cinema, restaurant, etc.?

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