Copy of E-shopping TP 4 Session 1/3
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about an online shopping site in the context of E-shopping.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of language used for shopping in the context of e-shopping
To provide writing practice of a short e-store description in the context of e-shopping
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversational setting in the context of e-shopping.
Procedure (41-51 minutes)
- "What did you learn about yesterday?".."In the past session?", Discuss - Revise some content from previous lesson - Ask students if they know any other types of shopping.....where they don't have to physically go into the store. - Tell students that today we will be talking about E-shopping.
- "Now we will do a reading activity" - Show students page 90 and point to exercise 1. - Look at the sentences and find which link you would click. - Tell students that they will be working alone. - Hand students Reading ex. 1 from page 98 of the text book and the picture of the e-shopping webpage. Check they have understood instructions. - Please work alone - While students undertake activity project picture of site onto the white board. - give students time to complete activity. - assign 5 students a-e.... ask them to come to white board and put the letter next to correct link.
- Ask students to look at some of the shop titles on the webpage. - Choose one and ask students what types of goods and/or services they sell and/provide. – generate a brief discussion. - Ask students to get into groups of 3. - Show students the descriptions on page 133 of the text book. - Tell students that they will be reading through and finding what shop name goes with the descriptions. - Write the name of the shop at the top of the description. - One shop name with each description. - Ask ICQ’s while handing out descriptions - Tell students they have only a few minutes so they should read quickly. - All students should agree on the shop name - Ask for one shop name from different groups in WC discussion
- divide students into three groups. - tell them that we will now have a little competition. - İ sill say the meanings of words and İ want you to shout out the word." - first team to shout out the correct answer gets a point. - write up point table on WB. - Check understanding of task. work through lexis e.g. "there is a verb that means....?? İn description 3, " - Start with "competition" Other lexis items listed in separate language analysis sheet
- Hand each group a table hand-out so they can put a mark in the right column. Tell them to put the name of the three shops in the top columns - Tell students that in their groups each student should focus on ONE description. ASK ICQ’S to make sure they get the instructions for this right. - Tell them that I want them to read and answer the questions in Ex. 3. - One student focus on one shop. All students answer all the questions. Ask İCQ's to ensure they understand the task. - As students work write out services and shops table on the white board. - As students finish give them cut outs of “shop names” (i.e. discount, competitions…etc) and get student to put the relevant services next to the goods and services offered. - Have whole class discussion to check answers and ask why?
- Ask students what they think about the goods and services offered in the stores. - Ask if there was anything they thought was missing..... If they had a shop. - Tell students that in their groups I want them to come up with an e-store idea. Think about what goods and what services your shop will offer. - Tell students that in their groups I want them to write a short description of THEIR e-store. - Give students time. - After activity allow students to present their ideas to the class. (we can vote for the best shop)