İdil İdil

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn about discourse markers through a text named "The advantages and disadvantages of modern technology".


Abc Speakout: Intermediate Students' Book

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for discourse markers in the context of the advantages and disadvantages

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology


Warm-up (5 minutes) • To have students guess the content of the lesson plan

The students are given a table of the disadvantages and advantages of technology. They are in pairs. Instruction: Write 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of technology. You are in pairs. You have five minutes

Reading (5 minutes) • To have students check their guesses

The students are given the reading. They read and check their guesses. Instruction: You have 5 minutes to read. Are your guesses correct? Quick Feedback: Who guessed all of them correctly?

Matching Activity (5 minutes) • To help students understand different bodies of essays

The students are alone. They match different bodies of the essay to its names. They peer-check each other. One of the students write the answers to the board. Instruction: Look at exercise C. Match paragraphs to definitions. Do it alone. ICQ: Are you alone or in pairs? Instruction: Check your answers with your partner.

Coursebook Language Explained (5 minutes) • To help students understand the activity

The teacher teaches the coursebook phrases such as "introduce", "contrasting", and "additional". The teacher elicits the meanings of the phrases. She makes notes on the board. This will later help with the activity.

Practicing Discourse Markers (5 minutes) • To help students understand discourse markers' purpose

The students fill in the table with the underlined discourse markers in pairs. Instruction: Fill in the table with the underlined words on the text. ICQ: What are the underlined words? (T nominates a student)

Practicing Discourse Markers (5 minutes) • To help students understand discourse markers' purpose

The students group the discourse markers on the board with a technological game.

Modal Sentences (5 minutes) • To help students understand how the discourse markers are used.

On the board, three modal sentences from the book are written. The teacher asks concept check questions and also shows the intonation of the discourse markers.

Practicing Discourse Markers (10 minutes) • To help students understand when to use discourse markers

The students change their partners. They choose the correct discourse markers on the text. Later, the teacher gives a whole class feedback. Instruction: Look at exercise B. Circle the correct options. Work with your pair. You have 5 minutes.

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