TP 7 Patricia Remacche
Elementary level


This is a grammar lesson about forming questions with like


Abc Lead In Gist/MFP/
Abc Controlled practice
Abc exposure
Abc meaning

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice with the use of questions with like

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice on forming questions with like
  • To provide extended speaking practice forming questions with like


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introducing the topic of the lesson to the students by asking them the questions share with them in g slides. What do you like to do in your free time?/ What is the weather like?/What does she look like/ After that ask students what do they see in common in those 3 questions. If students can not find the answer by themselves, then give them a hint, which word do these 3 questions have in common? Answer: like

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Present the students with wordwall. Give students instructions. You will listen to a conversation between Tina and Leo, and match the question with the answer. check the answers in the open classroom/ ICQ: Are you going to read or listen? Are you going to match or write? Answers: 1 What does she like doing?/ She likes clubbing and going to restaurants. 2. What does she look like? She's tall and slim, and she's got a long dark hair. 3. What's she like? She's friendly and outgoing. And she's very beautiful/

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: Students will be provided with a g-form in which they will see the examples of questions with like then they will choose the correct answer for each one. Students will have 2 min to answer and then review in an open class. ( 5 min total) Form: The teacher will present students with 3 sentences and elicit from students a grammatical breakdown Time: 3min For pronunciation, the teacher will present with an audio for students to decide where is the stress in the sentences. different students to drill and then drill chorally. 5 min

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will be presented with a g form where they have to write the correct question for the answer. they will work in break-out rooms for 3 min ICQ: How much time do you have for the activity? 3 min Do you have to write an answer or a question? Once you finish do you submit the answer? Answers: 2 What does she look like/3 What's he like?/ 4 What does she like doing?/ 5 What does he look like?/ 6. What are they like

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will be given 5 to 6 minutes to work in breakout rooms and prepare questions using like to ask their peers. some ideas will be given in g slides which will be shared with students via chat. The teacher will try to monitor all the groups and find some good uses of the language and some errors students might have. Then write some examples on g slides ICQ Are you going to work by yourself or in groups? Would you be asking questions? What word you will have to use in your questions?

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