Ayşe BB Ayşe BB

TP4 - Reading - AyseBB
B2 level


In this lesson students revise vocabulary they learned earlier through a matching exercise. These words will help them with the reading text. There is a short prediction activity. Next, students first read for gist, and then, for specific information in the context of technology and inventions. The lesson ends with a speaking activity related to the theme.


Abc Coursebook
Abc Vocabulary Matching Activity

Main Aims

  • To get students to read for gist, then for specific information, and then to get them to make inferences about the text in the context of technology and inventions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review for the previously learned technology vocabulary.
  • To provide fluency and accuracy when using the technology related vocabulary.


Warm-up (2-2 minutes) • To welcome students and to quickly set the context.

T welcomes SS. T elicits the date from SS. T asks SS if they remember what they talked about the other day with Mert.

Vocabulary revision (5-5 minutes) • For students to recall the set of words they learned in the previous lesson.

Instruction: T chests the activity. "Write the correct name under each picture. Alone. In 3 minutes." T distributes handouts. ICQ: "Where do you write the names?" "How many minutes?" When the time is up, T says "Now, quickly put a tick next to the pictures that are in our lives. For example: Is solar power a part of your life, [Nominates Student]?" T asks SS to swap papers with the person next to them. T projects A/K on the board. Instruction: "Look at the correct answers on the board. Check your friend's answers. Put an X next to the wrong ones."

Pre-Reading: Prediction (3-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and provide context for the text.

T chests the reading text and asks "Who is this man?" SS answer. T asks "How do you know who he is?" SS answer. Instruction: "Look at the title. What is the text about?" SS answer.

While-Reading/Reading for gist (17-18 minutes) • To provide students with a gist task

Instruction: T chests text. "Now, read the first two paragraphs. Think about what they are about. You have 3 minutes." ICQ: "How many paragraphs?" (T chests text and points to the first two paragraphs.) "How many minutes?" As SS read, T boards: "P1: Introduction, P2: , P3: , P4 " When the time is up, T asks SS what they think the second paragraph is about. T boards the answer "travel, cinema, TV, computers". Instruction: "Now read the rest of the text. Write down what paragraphs 3 and 4 are about. You have 6 minutes." ICQ: "Which paragraphs?" "How many minutes?" As SS read, T monitors what they are writing. When the time is up, T groups SS in 3s or 4s. Instruction: "Now, in your group discuss what paragraphs 3 and 4 are about. You have 2 minutes." ICQ: "Alone or in groups?" "How many minutes?" When the time is up T asks one S from each group to board the answers. Then there is a whole class discussion.

While-Reading: Reading for details (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed reading task

Instruction: "Now read the text again and answer questions 1-6 (T chests Ex. 3A). 6 minutes." As SS read, T monitors. When the time is up, T has SS compare their answers. Instruction: "Now, discuss your answers in your group. Are they all the same, are they different? 3 minutes." ICQ: "Alone or in groups?" When the time is up T nominates a S from each group for the answers. T boards them as S speak.

Post-Reading: Freer Speaking Activity (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and do some freer speaking

T boards categories: machines, energy, medicine/science, IT. Instruction: "What is the most important piece of technology ever invented? Why? Think about it for 2 minutes and take notes." ICQ: "Are you only writing a piece of technology?" As SS prepare, T monitors. When the time is up, T groups SS differently. Instruction: "In your group, discuss. Decide on one piece of technology for your group that you all agree is the most important. 3 minutes." ICQ: "How many pieces of technology in one group?" As SS discuss, T monitors SS and boards group names. "When you decide, write your answer on the board. The technology and why it is important." There is a whole class discussion. If there is time, T has SS vote for the most important technology.

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