Rıdvan Pala Rıdvan Pala

Elementary level


Abc Cunningham, S., Crace, A., & Moor, P. (2013). Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Elementary Students’ Book
Abc Getty Images
Abc Teacher Made (Adapted from Cutting Edge, 2013)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adverbs of frequency in the context of a text about winner habits
  • To provide practice of adverbs of frequency using of gap filling activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about winner habits with adverbs of frequency used


Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and grab students' attention

Teacher displays the PowerPoint and shows students pictures of some celebrities known as winners. Teachers asks who they are and if they are happy with their lives or not.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (5 minutes) • To help students understand the reading text

Teacher moves on Slide 4 and pairs up the students. T asks students to discuss and match the images and fill in the gaps. T gets the answers by nominating students.

Reading Task (7 minutes) • To enhance students reading comprehension skills and get them familiarize with concept of habits.

Teacher has students read the text individually and match the statements with the pictures. Teacher tells them to check their answers in pairs and then gets answers from volunteers. The answers are embedded in Slide 6.

Highlighting/clarifying the target language (15 minutes) • To have students understand and use adverbs of frequency using a cline

Teacher shows Slide 7 (Exercise 3) and shows the adverbs of frequency to students. S/he asks them to read the text again and underline the adverbs. (2 mins). S/he asks ss to put the verbs on the correct place on the cline. Teacher draws the cline on the board and elicits answers from the ss. (3 mins) Teacher moves on with Slide 7 and instructs students to fill in the gaps with the words in the box. S/he hands out the material and ask them to do it individually. T has them check in pairs and elicits the answers from the whole class. Teacher asks them if they have any questions or not. Teacher goes back to the cline on board and drills the pronunciation with the whole class. (10 mins)

Language Practice (10 minutes) • To have students apply adverbs of frequency to their own life through controlled and productive activities orally and in written form..

Controlled Practice: Teacher shows Activity 4a on PPT and demonstrates the first two questions. S/he tells them to answer the questions on their own. Then, s/he has them check and compare their answers in pairs. T nominates some students and asks if they are similar or different. (5 mins) Freer Practice: Teacher shows the last slide on PPT and asks them to write 5 sentences about their lives using the adverbs of frequency. Teacher tells them that s/he will collect the papers, but they do not need to write their names so that they would feel more comfortable. (5 mins)

Feedback • To help students identify their mistakes and errors

Teacher walks around the class and takes notes of students' errors and mistakes. T writes them on the board and asks ss to correct them. If there no mistakes, T may use the following sentences as common mistakes. e.g.: - I always am late to school. - I sometimes get up early every day.

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