Lorena Chavelas Lorena Chavelas

TP2 LP_Lorena Chavelas
Elementary level


In this lesson, Students develop the listening subskills of gist and detail in the context of the weather.


Abc https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1piqaw61tWdyeAZbsbERzK5ZFTjwM4-JE0TqoeQhcxlM/edit?usp=sharing
Abc https://forms.gle/eyq22QH6urtorp7T6
Abc https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kjSiECZ909YvpxfLg59qsC3ln0FhomUaQPqQi9ASJyE/edit?usp=sharing

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, Ss will have developed the listening subskills of gist and detail in the context of the weather.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice and understanding of key vocabulary items.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Prediction. Ss will see two pictures. Students will be asked what do they see in the pictures. There are traffic problems because of snow in the first one. In the second one trains have been cancelled because of heavy snow. Some questions to motivate the topic might be: Does it snow in your country? Are there problems when it snows? What problems? What weather issues does your country have?

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible by learning some new words.

M&F: Screen share slide Ss will have to match words to meanings. Ask one or two CCQs from TLAS: Traffic Jam: A situation in which a long line of vehicles cannot move or move very slowly. Do cars move fast in a traffic jam? Can we find traffic jams after heavy rains? Journey: The act of travelling from one place to the other. Is a journey to Cuernavaca faster by bus or by car? Normal day: A regular/ordinary day when nothing special happens. Do extraordinary things happen on a normal day? Is your bithday a normal day for you? Tube: London´s underground train system. Is a tube an underground? Is a tube a metro? Is Tube a formal or informal word? Ss will be told there are two different pronunciations for this word, the American and English. Pronunciation: Ask how many syllables each word has. Let Ss guess where the word is stressed. Traffic- Two syllabes. Stress: First syllable. Jam: one syllable. Journey- Two syllabes. Stress: First syllable Normal: Two syllabes. Stress: First syllable. Day: one syllable Tube: One syllable. Stress is placed on the vowel sound. Drill chorally and individually.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with gist and specific information- listening tasks.

Share script of the listening and share screen with task. Ss will see a chart with three columns: Man A, Woman, Man B. They will hear and complete how these people usually travel to work and how they are travelling today. CCQs: Are you going to write in column A how they travel on a normal day? Are you going to write in column B how they travelled yesterday? Play recording for Ss to listen and fill in. Answers: Man A: On a normal day takes the train. Today travelled by bus. Woman : On a normal day takes the bike. Today is going on foot (walking). Man B. On a normal day takes the tube. Today he is also walking. Ss wil be asked to share their answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks.

Show task in screenshare. Share link into chat. Ask students to read the questions before second listening. Play audio for the second time. Ss will compare answers in pairs in BORs. Check answers OCF: Are there any trains today? No. What time does the first man usually start work? 8.00 o´clock. How long is the woman´s journey to work on a normal day? 20 minutes. When did she leave home? 7.30 am. Where is the second man from? Canada. Do they have the same traffic problems in his country? No.

Post Listening. (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Show task in screenshare. Share link into chat. Ss will have the following questions: How long does it take you to university or work? Is weather a problem to you while traveling to university or work? Do you use public transport, uber or a private car? How is the journey to work/university faster? They will have time to discuss the questions and find some similarities. Share slide with the following structures: We both + verb + complement We both take a taxi. We both travel by taxi. Neither of us + verb + complement Neither of us takes the metrobus. Neither of us travels by bus. Students will be encourage to use these structures. DEC: focus on vocabulary, pronunciation and verb form of neither of us.

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