Melani Konca Melani Konca

TP 3
Elementary level


Abc Handout and Teacher-Made Presentation

Main Aims

  • Listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary


Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets the students and asks them how they feel today. Then she shows Adele's picture and asks them who she is. In groups, the students tell each other what they know about her. When students are finished, the teacher gets some answers from the students but she doesn't confirm any.

Pre-Listening (5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher tells the students that now they will work on some words from the listening text individually. After giving the instructions, the teacher delivers the handout and students match the words with the images. ICQ: in pairs or alone? When students are done, the teacher nominates a student and he or she writes the answers on the board. Then, all students check their answers.

While-Listening 1 (5 minutes) • To provide students with simple, gist-related tasks

The teacher tells the students that they will listen to the first part of a podcast about Adele and they are supposed to answer the two questions individually. Before starting the audio, the teacher gives the students a minute to read the questions. When the students are finished the teacher gets the answers orally from different students.

While-Listening 2 (5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, specific information-related listening tasks

Now, the students listen to the whole podcast about Adele and tick the things they hear on the audio individually. While the students are on task, the teacher writes the items on the board. When students are finished, the teacher nominates a student and he or she ticks the correct items. All students check their answers.

While-Listening 3 (10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

Here, the students listen to the whole podcast about Adele and choose the correct answers individually. ICQ: alone or in pairs? While students are on task, the teacher writes the sentences on the board and when the students are finished, she circles the correct options and the students check their answers.

Post-Listening (15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In the last stage, students take notes about a famous person they know individually. They are supposed to write at least five things about that person. Then, in pairs, they ask questions to each other to guess their peer's famous person. Before the students start working on the task, the teacher exemplifies the questions and the conversation with a student. Finally, the teacher asks the students to tell their friends about the famous person that his or her peer chose. -age, country, job, likes and dislikes, etc.-

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