Main Aims
To provide clarification of Collocations with take in the context of Big events
Subsidiary Aims
To provide vocabulary of Collocations with take with an specific context by reading and filling the gap
Procedure (31-45 minutes)
To open the class I am going to begin telling about what I like to take with me when I go on vacation giving some examples and I will put some images of different possible things they may use as well. Then I will ask the next question to the Ss: "What do you like to take with you on holidays?" We all are going to hear everybody's opinions because is an OCFB
In this section I will provide my Ss a short dialog so they must read it and then answer the questions presented on Google slides. (The words highlighted on the dialog will be presented in the MPF) Ss must have 3 min to read it an answer the following questions individually, then I will conduct OCFB to check Ss answers
In this part I will show some sentences from the previous dialog in order to set the context and highlight what it's next We should take a holiday after this hard week of exams. You can take notes about what’s the best place to stay. You even have a car and we can go by car and enjoy the view and take photos
In this new section I will teach MPF, I will take some collocations with take presented on the dialog so they I can explain stage by stage and makenit fully understandable. MEANING: We should take a holiday after this hard week of exams. You can take notes about what’s the best place to stay. You even have a car and we can go by car and enjoy the view and take photos FORM: I wil elicit the form so my Ss will learn the correct use. I will provide a short definition of a "collocation" so my Ss will be able to acquiere it and use it for future pourposes. A collocation is two or more words that often go together I will explain on google presentation the use of collocations with TAKE PRONUNCIATION: I will have my Ss to repeat the words after me for a correct pronunciation I will show the type of word. Take a hol-i-day (verb + noun) /teɪk/ Take notes (verb + noun) /ˈhɑləˌdeɪ/ Take pho-tos (verb + noun) /fowˈtowˌz/
In the controlled practice Ss will get a link from the T and they are going to answer the following activity it is a filled in the gap task with collocations with TAKE, the Ss will have 5 minutes to answer this part individually firts and then they will go to break up rooms to discuss their answers the estimated time for checking is 3 min. After finishing in break rooms I will conduct OCFB to hear everyone's answers this last part should take no more than 2 min.
For the final stage (freer practice) Ss will go to break up rooms they will disscus the next question: Have you ever taken seriously an advice from someone? Yes,No, Tell us why? Ss will have 5 minutes to discuss and share their comments into their zoom's groups. After finishing I wil conduct OCFB and DEC.