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World Sports - Unit 7
Grade 7 level


This lesson will be centred around world sports and sports equipment. The lesson will begin with a PowerPoint/game of "spot the sport", where students will race to to uncover which sport is being displayed on the screen.The students will then be given an activity worksheet to work on for the majority of the lesson. This will include a fill in the blanks activity, followed by a series of tasks about an article that they will read. Students will then be given conversation cards about sports. They will work in pairs or small groups to ask and answer questions about sports. If time permits, they will take part in a debate about the following topic: "Do you think chess is a sport?". They will continue this debate throughtout their second lesson (this is a double period).


Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice (both gist and detail) about world sports
  • To provide fluency when talking about world sports and sports equipment

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification


Warmer/Lead-in (10-13 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

Introduce topic. Present sports through the binoculars game. (T-S 4 mins) Hand out worksheets. Exercise 1. Put students into pairs and ask them to tell each other about their last P.E. lesson at school. To help, put the following prompt questions on the board: Where were you? Who were you with? What did you wear? What exercise did you do? What sport did you play? Was it fun? Tell students if they don’t know a word, they should put their hand up to ask you. Go around the class and help students with any language they need. After 4 minutes, elicit some answers around the class about what their partner did. If taught any new vocabulary during the discussion, ask students to tell the rest of the class the new word and what it means, for students to record it in their books. (T-S & S-S 6 mins)

Target/Useful Language (18-20 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language used throughout the lesson. This activity will also encourage peer checking.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with these words. Elicit meaning of each word before providing instructions for the activity. Provide extra definitions and examples. Allow students 3 minutes to complete the task before going through answers together. (T-S 5 mins) Exercise 2: Ask students to read the article quickly on their own and find the answer. Put 30 second timer on the board. When they have finished, ask them to check their answer with a partner before you elicit the answer as a class. (T-S 3 mins) Exercise 3: Ask the students to read the article again, but this time more carefully. For each question, choose the correct answer for each gap. Explain that if they are unsure about an answer, take a guess (A, B or C). For early finishers, encourage peer checking. Once 4 minutes is up, elicit answers from the class. (T-S, P-W 5 mins) Exercise 4: In pairs, ask students to read "Doing the #MyMiles challenge". Encourage students to take turns reading out loud one sentence each. Then, answer the six questions about the article. Elicit answers from class - provide students with the opportunity to answer any question of their choice. (P-W 5 minutes)

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills. These activities will provide free practice (fluency) in using the target language.

Conversation Cards: Students will work in pairs or small groups. Each group will be given a set of cards that will ask questions about sports. They will each take turns asking and answering the questions provided. This task is designed to encourage free talk and a chance to improve general conversational skills. It will also enable students to think about their own opinions of each question. (S-S 6 minutes) For the final part of the lesson, students will begin to plan for a debate that will be carried out in the following period (this is a double lesson). The debate is as follows: Do you think chess is a sport? (S-S remainder of the lesson)

Web site designed by: Nikue