Ollie Ollie

A1 level


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, Ss will have developed the listening subskills of gist and detail in the context of news headlines

Subsidiary Aims

  • Teaching vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Open 'Guess the news headline' on Jamboard. Tell students to guess the headline based on the pictures they see. Help them if neccessary by having them find the words to explain each individual picture, guiding them towards the answer. Engage the whole group.

Peer group conversation (5-5 minutes) • To give students the opportunity to ask and answer questions related to the theme of the lesson

Present students with the questions 'Where do you usually get your news - the internet, TV, radio, or newspapers? Do you watch or listen to the news everyday? If so, at what time of day?What’s in the news at the moment?', ask them to use these questions in conversation with each other, before putting them into breakout rooms. Put questions into chat so they are reminded of them. Divide time equally between each breakout room, helping where neccessary.

Pre-Teaching/MFP (6-6 minutes) • Teaching difficult vocabulary items

Share screen to class and show how to match words to pictures and definitions. Ask one or two CCQs to students. train 'crash' (noun) the collision of one vehicle with another or with an object 'missing' at sea (adj) lost 'hospital' (noun) a place where people who are ill or injured are treated by doctors and nurses 'storm' (noun) strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning a 'couple' (noun) two people or things that are together P - demo with 'missing'. Ask how many syllables - Two. Which column? Two. Assign each slide to a student and ask them to go to their individual slide. Instruct them to drag each word into the appropriate column. Crash O Missing Oo Hospital Ooo Storm O Couple Oo

While-Reading/Listening #1 (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Share google forms quiz wtih students for gist reading task. Check with students that they've opened the link using thumbs up or chat feature on zoom. Screen share quiz and explain the objective of the task - to listen to the following audio clip and put each news item in the correct order. Share clip a couple of times. Put students in break out rooms for a couple of minutes to share answers. Check answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Share the specific information task created on forms. Check to see that students have opened the document using thumbs up/chat feature. Explain the task to students - looking for specific information, choosing the words used in each news story. Play the audio file once more while students listen and fill out the form individually. Put them into breakout rooms where they can discuss their answers with each other. Bring the students back and go through the answers for the whole class, correcting mistakes where neccessary.

Post-Reading/Listening (12-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Show students final slide of presentation. Read through questions 'What do you think Bill and nancy may have planned to do in Australia?', and 'What do you think Joe hall may do with his lottery winnings?'. Ask CCQ to ensure that students understand meaning. Assign each student a slide and ask them to write several items for each question. Provide feedback for each individual student before conducting DEC.

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