Mahatma Mahatma

TP2 LP_MahatmaCarranco


In this lesson, students will learn about worst-case scenarios.


Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of worst-case scenarios
  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail in the context of worst-case scenarios

Subsidiary Aims

  • Lexis, and fluency speaking


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

1. T warmly greets students, and reads the following quote: “Think before you speak. Read before you think.” -Fran Lebowitz. -"That's what you will be doing in today's class." 2. T sets the context for the lesson by having students implicitly talk about the topic. What's the question? - ""Good stuff. Everyone, let's start the lesson a little bit different. I will read two sentences, and you must try to guess what the quiestion." I will give you 30 seconds to come up with a question. 3. T provides an example Answer: Use the jack to raise the vehicle until the flat tire is off the ground. Question: How to change a flat tire? Does anyone have a question? Should I repeat the instructions? 4. T nominate 2 or 3 students to share their answers.

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

5. Pre-teaching vocabulary: Meaning, Pronunciation and Form - Splint What is this? Can you think of a situation where this word would be used? "The doctor put a splint on the arm and bandaged it up (T provides studnets with a visual represenation) PRONUNCIATION -How is this word pronounced? Give it a try. "Everybody, let's do it together....splint." ___________, please. ___________, can you reapet what he just said? FORM Did you know that splint is a countable noun? what does it mean? Flow of the blood MEANING Look at this picture, PRONUNCIATION Backchaining: Teacher: Flow Students: Flow Teacher: Flow of Students: Flow of Teacher: Flow of blood Students: Flow of blood FORM FLOW OF BLOOD verb noun these words carry meaning. What is a synonym for flow? Possible answer: circulation "Circulation of blood through the heart" Steady pressure MEANING Well, any ideas? Okey, I need a volunteer. "__________, can you briely describe the action the nurse is performing? The word "steady", what does it mean? PRONUNIATION: lets focus on the stressed syllables: Steady Pressure Both have the stress in the fisrt syllablel Form Did you know taht these words are often used together. In other words, these combinations just ound right. Get a job/obtain a job Kneel Guys, what is she doing? -Doing yoga Praying -Exercising Is this the postion religious people adopt to pray? Pronunciation: I am going to get you out of your comfort zone. see these two emojis, the turtle ans the rabbit? well, they represent the speed of your speach So, follow me form The royal guards orderde the man to kneel and to bag pardon.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

.8. Gist task: T sets reading taks 2 T provides students with instructions First read all of the headings. Then quickly read an Article on how to deal with various emergency situations to get the general idea. Read the paragraphs and Matche the ones you are sure about. There is one headinf you not need. You will have 5 min. to read the article and math the headings. I will seng you the file, and will aslo share my screen for those who canntot download it provide example ICQ Does anyone have a questiooon? CCQ 9. tEACHER CHECKS ANSWERS T conducts OCFB

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

10. T sets taks 2 in which Learners read for detailed informatiN "yOU ARE GOING TO READ THE ARTICLE A SECOND TTIME, BUT THIS TIME YOU WILL HAVE MORE TIME. 11. T gives instructions to students: " Read the text carefully. then answer the these questions. T shares her screen After completing the task... 11. Learners check answers in pairs via BORs 12. T CONDUCTS OCFB.

Post-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T introduces a speaking activity "Now, it is time for you to talk about a worst-case scenario" Can someone remind me what a worst-case scenario is? T gives instructions: There a nine sticky notes and each one of them have real-life PROBLEMS. i WANT TO READ THE QUESTIONS , AND PICK ONE WORST-CASE SCENATIO. i WILL SEND YOU TO BORs. Discuss this questions with a partner You will have 3 min. PLeae manage your time effectively, and let yout peer talk any question? T conduct feedback on the task Delayed Error Correction (DEC). At this point in the lesson, T has taken notes of the most common mistakes students have made throughout the lesson. Now, T will briefly clarify them.

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