TP8 - Writing
Intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide product writing practice of a brochure in the context of an event of their choosing
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about a brochure in the context of a music event
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
Elicit definition of a brochure. CCQ - What do we call this, is it a book? Brainstorm what information do you expect to find in a brochure based on an event. Think about topics or headings that are included in a brochure that is based on an event. I'm writing this question in the chat so you can check it when you are talking. CCQ - For example, would people like to know how much the event is? What would this topic be called? Tickets/cost/pricing BoR's - fill in your answers on the jamboard 2 mins OCFB - 2 mins
*gist reading* What type of event is this? Who is the target audience? CCQ - Does target audience mean a specific group of people? Who would be the target audience for an ABC book? 2 minutes. OCFB - 1 minute We talked about topics and headings in the beginning and you can see in the text the brochure has used some of them. FORM 1 So in the chat is a link to a questionnaire to cover your understanding of these. We have a description and then options. You have 2 minutes. Let me just ask you about this expression eye-catching, does this mean it is very noticeable? yes ICQs: How many answers for each Q? How long do you have? Ok so now lets go back to the text. Which of the topics in the questionnaire are the most important and detailed? About and Line-up. Q: Why do you think this is? A:The main selling point And what kind of language is used? Formal or informal? Ok lets look at another questionnaire so you can decide. FORM 2 This is a shorter questionnaire so you only have 1 minute. After you finish I'll put you back into groups and I want you to discuss your answers. *before BoR assignment* I also want you to answer the question; why have the used both formal and informal language, what is the purpose of each? I'll write this Q in the chat again. You have 2 minutes. *WRITE NAMES IN THE SLIDES FOR WRITING TASK* OCFB 1/2 mins FORM We are proud to announce some of the biggest acts on the planet. The main focus is to create the most unforgettable experience for all of our visitors Providing you with one of our best lineups in the history of Cambridge Music Festival Elicit Fixed chunk Fixed CCQ - Which part of the sentence is the one we respect every time we want to use it? Elicit adjective + noun +complement FCQ - What do most, biggest and best have in common? - They are used in comparisons as the extreme. So Can you go bigger than the biggest? No. Can you get better than the best? No. And what are they compared to? What are the biggest acts on the planet being compared to? Other acts on the planet
Provide checklist. (If I have time) compare points to previous text and elicit the priorities - Which is important to cover first, is it cost? What is also important in terms of the amount of content? remember the target audience and selling point *share slides link* Writing task - write your own brochure based on an event - it can be something from your imagination or a real life event. Remember to refer to the checklist. You have 15 minutes. While you are writing, I will give you some comments and feedback in this section here, so remember to have look. ICQ - So context are you writing about in the brochure? Event. Can this be a film festival? yes. Can this be a birthday party? Yes I have written the names of everyone on different slides, so you can find your own and begin.
BoR's to discuss each others brochures. Remember to tell each other which slide number is your brochure. 5 mins (2/3 mins for each persons brochure) Use comments in the individual slides and Ss discussion for OPFB. - 3-5 minutes