TP6 LP Patricia Remache
Elementary level


To introduce and practice formal and informal way to refuse and invitation


Abc exposure
Abc Content

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language to refuse invitations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide Speaking practice in the context of refusing invitations
  • To provide Reading practice in the context of refusing invitations


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Introduce the class topic to students by asking what these friends are talking about. Where is he inviting Lisa? What is Lisa's answer? Do you like to refuse invitations?

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Share g forms with students, and ask them to read the text, they will have 2 minutes to read and answer the questions ICQ: How much time do you have to read? Do you have to submit the answer? Check answers in an open classroom

Content preparation (5-6 minutes) • To draw students atention to the target language

Share jam board students will read the same text, this time they will underline phrases expressing invitation refusals 3 min ICQ: How much time do you have for the activity? Once you find the phrases what are you going to do? UNDERLINE The teacher will check answers in an open class Answers: I don't think I can /Sorry, I can’t I will go /I wish I could, but /Thanks for asking but, / I would love to, but / I appreciate the invitation, but

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning form and pronunciagtion of the target language

Meaning: Refuse invitations students will work with the sentences they found in the text on Google Slides. The teacher will ask them to decide whether they go in the formal or informal side. 2 minutes Form: The teacher will present students with some of the same sentences in which they worked before and check the grammatical breakdown Time: 3 For pronunciation, the teacher will present some sentences and ask where the stress is check if there is a sentence where it sounds as if words were linking, then drill chorally.3

Control Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to concept check and prepare students for practice

Students will be presented with a g-form where they will choose the correct word to fill in the gaps ICQ How much time you will have for the activity? 3 min Do you have to submit the answer once you finish? Answers: Sorry/ would love/ asking/ wish could/ think/ appreciate

Freer Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Students will be given 6 minutes to work in break-out rooms They will invite another classmate to do something and they will refuse the invitation. The teacher will share G-slides with some ideas for invitations and some other ideas to decline the invitation. The teacher will try to monitor all the groups and find some good uses of the language and some errors students might have. Then wright some examples on g slides ICQ How are you going to be working? By yourself or in groups what will one of you do? inviting the other to do something Will you accept or decline the invitation?

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