Jorge Jorge

TP 5 - Writing (June 20th, 2023)
Upper-Intermediate (B1) level


Writing lesson (Email Writing) for a group of between 4 and 8 students.


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Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice for students in the preparation of a short email regarding the details of a trip (Context Travel) to a family member/friend back home.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to identify and reproduce the various parts of an informal email; ie.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show student a series of Postcard images with famous tourist locations. Questions may include: 1) What are these? - New Vocab (Postcards) When do we send Postcards? - On Vacation. 2) Do you still send postcards? What is a faster way to communicate with someone through written form? (Whatsapp, Text Message, Email). 3) Have you ever written someone during a vacation? Where was the last place you visited for a vacation?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Have students Analyse the following email, and write where they think I am writing from. Ask students to make a short list of the verbal tenses used in the email. Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Will, [Be going to], Pres. Cont. for future. Sample Email: Hey mom and dad! How are you? I'm doing great! London is awesome. I've met so many cool people in the hostel I'm staying at. Last night we went to a famous club in Manchester, I had an incredible time. There is so much to do, everyday we wake up early and decide where we are going to go. I think tomorrow we're going to visit Buckingham Palace and take the tour they offer. I'm going to some souvenirs and take lots of pictures. I haven't visited Big Ben yet, or London Bridge, but I'm going there on Friday with my friends. I visited the Royal British Museum on my second day here, and took pictures with the royal guards. They were a little intimidating. I've already spent 350$, but don't worry I still have some money left. What about you guys? How are you spending your summer? Is dad still working in the garden? Are you picking me up at the airport next Wednesday? I'll write you in a couple of days. Take care! Love you lots, Miguel.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Have students Analyse the following sentences, which have been grouped into their corresponding verbal tenses. Clarify uses, and assure students are comfortable with making sentences in different verbal tenses. Past Simple* Last night we went to a famous club in Manchester, I had an incredible time. I visited the Royal British Museum on my second day here, and took pictures with the royal guards. ...They were a little intimidating. Present Simple* There is so much to do, everyday we wake up early and decide ...and take the tour they offer ...but don't worry I still have some money left. Will (Promises) I'll write you in a couple of days. [Be] Going to* where we are going to go. I think tomorrow we're going to visit Buckingham Palace... I'm going to buy some souvenirs and take lots of pictures. Present Perfect* I've met so many cool people I haven't visited Big Ben yet, or London Bridge, I've already spent 350$ Present Continuous * I'm doing great! in the hostel I'm staying at. but I'm going there on Friday with my friends How are you spending your summer? Is dad still working in the garden? Are you picking me up at the airport next Wednesday?

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will be given 10 minutes to write their own postcard from any vacation destination they choose. The productive task seeks to challenge students to use a variety of phrasal tenses. They must use as many different verbal tenses as possible (4-5), along with vacation/sightseeing plans and activities from the city/country they are visiting from. Each e-mail must contain a greeting, main body paragraph and conclusion. 75-100 words. After this is done (using jamboard), students will review and count the number of verbal tenses in each other's email. This will be done in groups of 2 on Jamboard, after which O.C.FB will take place in the main room for further group review and discussion. Any outstanding doubts and/or questions will be clarified.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Taking into consideration the Target Language Analysis Sheet, correct and clarify any persistent errors in comprehension for either usage or form of verbal tenses. If there are any gross spelling mistakes, also make note.

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