İdil İdil

Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are going to discuss their opinions about technology. Later, the students are going to listen to an audio about technology. They will check whether their answers were in the audio. In the end, they will do a couple of vocabulary exercises about time markers which were in the audio they listened to.


Abc Speakout: Intermediate Students' Book
Abc Speakout: Intermediate Workbook

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of time markers


Warm-up (5 minutes) • To lead students in about the topic.

The students get in pairs. They answer two questions from exercise 1. Later, the teacher nominates the students to get feedback. Instruction: Look at exercise 1. Answer the questions in pairs. You have three minutes.

Pre-Listening (5 minutes) • To have students listen for a purpose.

The students get in pairs. They answer three questions from exercise 2. They have three minutes. Later, the teacher nominates students to get answers. Instruction: Answer the questions in exercise 2 with your partner. You have three minutes.

During Listening (5 minutes) • To have students check their ideas.

The students listen to the audio. They check if they have any of the same ideas. Instruction: Listen to the audio. Check if you have the same ideas. CCQ: What are you checking? (your answers at exercise 2A)

During listening (8 minutes) • To listen for a specific reason.

The students read exercise C. Instruction: In two minutes, read the notes on exercise C. ICQ: How many minutes do you have? (two) The students will listen to the audio again. They will find the mistakes and correct them. Instruction: Listen to the audio again. Correct the mistakes with your partner. CCQ: What are you going to do? ICQ: Are you working alone or with a pair? The teacher gets a whole class feedback.

Vocabulary Exercise (5 minutes) • To help students elicit the time markers.

The teacher changes the seating arrangement by giving students numbers. The students look at exercise 4A. They try to find the time markers in each sentence. The teacher does the first three sentences with the class. Later, the students work individually to find the time markers. They check their answers with their partners. Lastly, the teacher gets feedback from the whole class. Instruction: Find the time markers in sentences. Underline them. Work alone. You have three minutes CCQ: What are we doing? Instruction: Check your answers with your partner.

Vocabulary Exercise (5 minutes) • To help students compare the time markers.

The teacher draws a timeline on the board. The teacher puts some of the time markers on the timeline. The students draw the same timeline. They try to put all of the time markers on their timeline. Instruction: Draw your own timeline. Put the time markers in the correct places with your partner. You have 5 minutes. ICQ: Are you working alone or with your partner?

Vocabulary Exercise (5 minutes) • To get feedback

The teacher draws another timeline if the class is crowded. Everyone gets up, gets to the board, gets a marker, and puts time markers in the correct places on the board. Instruction: Write your answers on the timeline. Get up. Get a marker. You have five minutes. The teacher checks the timeline and gives feedback.

Fill in the gaps activity (7 minutes) • To check the students' understanding.

The students are in pairs. They do exercise 5A. They have 5 minutes. Instruction: Do exercise 5A. Fill in the gaps with your partner. You have 5 minutes. The teacher gets feedback from the whole class.

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