Olesia Olesia

Teaching Practice 8b
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, the students will learn Past Simple Questions, their meanings, forms and pronunciation. The teacher will test them before explaining a new grammar topic to learn if learners know something about past simple questions. Then, the students will learn different wh- question word, after what they will practice new grammar doing different exercises. At the end of the lesson the learners will work in pair and tell each other about their last weekend using past simple questions.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Past Simple questions in the context of last weeken.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice using Past Simple questions in the context of last weekend.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To test students what they know about past simple questions

The teacher will give every student an exercise sheet (see Exercise 1) with 2 sentences in the past simple tense and ask them to write past simple questions for these sentences (yes/no question for the first sentence and wh-question for the second one). He/she will give them 1 minute to write questions. The students will check their answers in pairs and then as a whole class.

Grammar (10-12 minutes) • To introduce meaning, form and pronunciation of past simple question

The teacher will write two sentences on the WB (I had a good time; I went out yesterday) and ask students to help her to write past simple questions for these sentences. Then the teacher will write questions on the WB (Did you have a good time? Where did you go?). After that, the teacher will explain the meaning of past simple question, that they are used to ask about some actions/event/some clarifications in the past; to get general or specific information from someone about the past. Then the teacher will ask which question is used for general information and which is used for specific details showing two questions on the WB. After that, the teacher will explain which answers need to be used for these questions (short or long)? After taht, the teacher will explain the form of these questions using the WB. After that, he/she will ask some CCQs like: Are these questions used to ask about some information in the past or in the present? What do we put at the beginning of the yes/no question/wh- question? Do we need to use the main verb in past simple or as infinitive? Then the teacher will do some drilling (back chaining drilling) showing the sentence stress and intonation in these questions and answers using the WB.

WH Questions (3-5 minutes) • To present wh- question words

The teacher will ask students to work in pairs and write as many wh-questions as they can. (The teacher will explain that the wh-questions are those that start from letters 'wh-' like 'where' on the WB). The teacher will give them 1 minute to discuss. Then he/she will write them (what, when, where, which, who, whom, why) on the WB and ask the class to give examples in past simple.

Grammar practice (8-10 minutes) • To practice past simple questions

1) Exercise 2 - The teacher will give instructions how to do exercise 2 (You have words in each line - make a past simple questions; work individually; when you finish, check your answers with you partner; you have 2 minutes). Then he/she will ask some ICQs like: are you going to work alone? Yes. Are you going to form questions in present simple or in past simple? In Past Simple. The teacher will monitor which sentences are problematic (if there are some sentences, the teacher will discuss them) and give answer key to check the correct questions. 2) Exercise 2 - The teacher will explain how to do ex. 2 by giving examples on the WB. Then he/she give students an exercise sheet with sentences and ask them to work on it individually. The teacher will monitor the class to check and discuss the most difficult sentences.

Speaking (9-11 minutes) • To provide the semi-controlled speaking activity

The teacher will show the demo before asking students to work in pairs. Then, he/she will divide the class into pairs, changing partners, and ask them to tell each other about their last weekend. The person, who is listening, will ask questions like Where did you go? What did you eat? Did you like your weekend? etc. Then the teacher will ask ICQs to find out if the students understood what to do (Are you going to work in pars? Yes. Do you need to ask past simple or present simple questions? Past simple question. Does everyone need to ask questions, tell the story and answer questions? Yes. The teacher will give 8 minutes for this activity. During the speaking activity, he/she will monitor the class for the further error correction part of the lesson.

Feedback (5-7 minutes) • To get feedback and correct sommon mistakes

The teacher will ask the students some questions to get the feedback (Do we need to use past simple question to ask about the past or the future? What do we need to put at the beginning of the yes/no question? Do we need to give short or long answer for yes/no questions? What do we need to put at the beginning of Wh- questtions? Do we use a main verb in the past simple form or as infinitive?). Then the teacher will write some common mistakes on the WB and try to make learners to correct them.

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