Alara Melike Şamlıoğlu Alara Melike Şamlıoğlu

Intermediate B1 level


In the lesson, students will learn how to infer the meaning of a word from the context. First, they will talk about the relationships between teenagers and their parents. Later, they will read a text, and fill in the blanks in the first activity to create a summary of it. Later, they will do a true-false activity, and find six words or phrases and match their meanings. Lastly, they will discuss 3 questions.


Abc Speakout Intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and inference reading practice using a text about life as a teenager, parenthood

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification


Warmer/Lead-in (10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets the students. Later she shows three pictures to the students. T: 'Here you see four pictures. Who do you see in the pictures?' - Elicit 'parents- children/teenager. (1 minute) Instruction: In pairs, talk about what might be happening in the pictures, you have 2 minutes. ICQ: Do you work in pairs or alone? After they discuss, get feedback from each table. Later on, ask students the questions in the first activity, and let them discuss with the same pair. Instruction: Again with the same pair, discuss the questions in activity one -show the questions by chesting the book- You have 2 minutes. ICQ: What do you discuss with your partner? After they discuss, ask each table to share their ideas together and they come up with 1 one problem and one best thing a parent can do. T: Now, share your ideas with your table and write one answer for each question. You have 2 minutes. ICQ: How many answers will you write for each question? Later, take answers from each table and ask if others agree.

Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher writes 'What is the main problem for the parent?' and gives time for the students to read the text and find an answer to the question. T: Now, read the text alone, and find the answer to this question - show the board. You have 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, let them discuss in groups of three. T: In groups of three, discuss your answer. you have 1 minute. Get whole class feedback. Choose a couple of students and change their seats. T: Now, look at 2B (Show it in the book). You will fill in the blanks with one or two words. Let's do the first one together. (Read the sentence and ask 'Who was she talking to?', after getting the answer, write it on the board) Now, in pairs, do the others. You have 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, choose students to make them write their answers on the board. Then, check if they all agree.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher Pre-teaches 'obvious, reporter, object, arrangement and flexible'. Write these words on the board for the students to see. She uses these example sentences to teach Obvious- I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. Easy to see or understand (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) Reporter- He began his career as a newspaper reporter in New York. A person who collects and reports news for newspapers, radio or television. (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) Arrangement- Arrangements for the funeral are complete. A plan or preparation that you make so that something can happen Object- To say that you disagree with or oppose something. T: look at paragraph 7, and find 'object'. Alone, think about its meaning, what does it mean? You have 1 minute. Later, T: Share your ideas with your table, again you have 1 minute. Later, take answers from each table and give whole class feedback. Flexible- flexible working hours/practices Able to change to suit new conditions or situations (If they ask - worry- to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you have)

Controlled Practice (2-4 minutes) • Checking comprehension

Later, tell the students to do 2C as inividually. Show the activity in the book. T: Look at 2C. You will work alone. Read these 5 sentences, and write true or false according to the text. You have 2 minutes. ICQ: Do you work alone or with a partner? Then, let students check their answers in pairs. T: Check your answers in pairs. You have 1 minute. Choose one student to write their answers on the board and check if others agree.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher says that they will work on 2D. T: Look at 2D (Shows in the book). There are meanings of six words or phrases, and you will find them in the text. Let's do the first one together. (Read and ask 'Where should I look at in the text?) Elicit -Paragraph 1. T: In paragraph one, let's read sentences till we find something connected. (Read the first sentence and ask ' Can you find anything here?'- Elicit changing his mind) T: Okay, let's read the other sentence, here we understand that his plans can change. So if we see the word we are looking for, we can find its meaning by reading the whole sentence, or the sentence after that. CCQ: So, how do we find a word in the text? T: In pairs, do the others 2,3,4, and 5. You have 5 minutes. After 5 minutes: Check your answers with your table, and write your answers on the board. You have 2 minutes. Later, do whole class feedback by comparing the answers.

Post Task (3 minutes) • Discussion

T: Look at 3. In pairs, answer these questions. You have 3 minutes. Ask students their answers.

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