Kaan Ediz Kaan Ediz

B1 level


To read an article and to identify the Present Perfect Tense and to put into practice in related exercises. Practice on sharing experiences using the Present Perfect Tense.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Base jumper Felix Baumgartner

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of present perfect tense


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To introduce Present Perfect in a game of 2 Truths 1 Lie

Teacher writes three sentences about something interesting they have done in their life. Two sentences will be facts, one sentence will be false and students will be asked to guess which one is true. Teacher will model this again in 'Round 2'. Same steps will repeat. Next, the teacher will ask a couple students to write two truths and one lie about themselves and have their classmates guess the answer.

Reading Task (8-10 minutes) • Have students read an article about Felix Baumgartner and to identify Present Perfect Tenses

Sts read the text (5-7 mins): https://www.euronews.com/culture/2022/10/14/feeling-supersonic-felix-baumgartner-on-10-years-after-skydive-from-space Underline Present Perfect Tenses Feedback

Gap Fill for Past Participle Irregular Verbs (8-10 minutes) • To provide grammatical accuracy and practice for using the correct form

Students will practice converting either the Base form, Past Simple or Past Participle of a given verb in the table. Example: (some of these will be blank) lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant mistake mistook mistaken take. take. taken choose chose. chosen

Pairwork with Experiences Worksheet 'Ever and never' (10-12 minutes) • Writing and Speaking within a mingling activity

Students ask each other questions in pairs and sharing personal experiences USING THE CORRECT FORM This present perfect worksheet helps students learn and practice the present perfect with ever and never. First, students read the information about using ever and never with the present perfect. Students then rewrite present perfect sentences and questions using ever and never. Next, students write present perfect Have you ever...? questions using a set of phrases. After that, students answer the questions using the present perfect or the present perfect with never, e.g. 'Yes, I have ridden an elephant.' or 'No, I have never ridden an elephant.' Lastly, in pairs, students ask and answer the questions with their partner. Model sentence: "Merve has never met a film star" // "Have you ever eaten too much food" Teacher will end task with oral feedback

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