Victoria Garcia Victoria Garcia

Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for polite requests and responses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students develop their listening and speaking skills in the context of making polite requests


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Ss 5 pictures representing common problems (ATM out of service, low battery phone, computer virus alert, a damaged car, a broken pipe). T asks Ss what they represent and writes notes on the Jamboard slide

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows Ss the same pictures from the lead-in stage and tells Ss they will be listening to two people talking about problems and this time they have to match the picture that belongs to each listening. After that, T shares Ss a Google Forms link with two questions they need to answer while listening to the recordings again. T nominates Ss to check answers Questions and answer key: 1. What does the man ask? A: Do you know if there is another machine somewhere? 2. How does she ask for help? A: Would you mind looking at it for me?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning T shares Ss a link that heads Ss to a game in which they have to categorize a list of sentences into two categories, formal and informal requests. T nominates Ss to check answers Formal Requests Do you know if there is another machine? Would you mind looking at it for me? Do you know what the problem is? Could you tell me where the bank is? Informal Requests Where is the cash machine? Look at my computer! What is the problem? Where is the bank? Form T shares a fill-in-the-blanks activity in which Ss have to complete three indirect requests with the correct linking word in order to help them form the exponents with sentence starters, then Ss share their answers with the whole group and T shows possible responses for these requests, and nominate Ss to say which one could be the appropriate 1. Do you know __if___ there is another machine? 2. Would you mind __looking__ at it for me? 3. Could you tell me _where__ the bank is? Responses 1. I'm not sure, there might be one in the shopping center 2. Sure! 3. Yes, it is next to the park Pronunciation Ss will listen to the teacher and answer through the chat in which part of the sentence the intonation is high or low. T will show them options on a Google Jamboard presentation and gives a demo, T checks answers with the whole group Do you know if there is ANOTHER machine somewhere? Would you mind LOOKING at it for me? Could you tell me where the bank IS?

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows Ss 3 conversations in which they have to complete polite requests with the prompts in brackets. They will work in pairs and then check answers with the whole group 1. A: I can't concentrate. (would / mind / turn / music down)? B: Sure, sorry about that 2. A: I need to speak to the manager (Do / know / if / anyone in the office)? B: Let me have a look 3. A: (Could / tell / how / machine works)? B: Yes, of course

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will show Ss a role-play activity in which one of them is going to be student A and another student B, they will have to create a conversation with the information provided in order to make polite requests and responses. T will monitor the activity and collect possible mistakes for the feedback stage

Feedback and Error Correction • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T shows Ss errors they made during the speaking task and nominates some learners to identify the mistake and correct it. T writes the correction for them to have a visual comparison between the correct and incorrect use of the functional language

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