Rahma Sherif Rahma Sherif

Sonnet 18 -Demo
G8 level


This is just a sample demo lesson for a poem called Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare. In this demo, the Ss will experience clarifying the theme, and structure, and are allowed to produce a sonnet independently.


Abc Whiteboard
Abc Over Head Projector (ppt presentation)
Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • By the end of this session, Ss will be able to explain the main theme of the poem independently.
  • By the end of this session, Ss will be able to identify the structure of a sonnetin the context of Sonnet 18 successfully.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction reading practice using a text about Sonnet 18 in the context of Sonnet 18
  • To provide specific information and gist listening practice using a text about Sonnet 18 in the context of Sonnet 18


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T writes the word "Summer" on board and asks SS what comes to their minds when they see the word. SS discuss together in pairs T asks the class if they compare the summer to a person they know, what they might say. SS discuss in groups of 3 this time T monitors and encourages Ss T opens a general discussion to elicit brilliant ideas and jot down notes on board.

Pre-Reading/Listening (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows the class the title of the topic T asks if anybody knows the topic before T plays a video while SS take note of the main theme of it. Ss check in pairs T monitors and takes notes T provides feedback: it is about a poet who compares his beloved one to a day in the summer.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Gallery walk: T divides the class into two groups after sticking some comic pictures about the meaning of the sonnet. T handouts the script of the sonnet to the class. In groups, Ss match the number of the line to the comic that explains T plays a musical background to enthusiasm the class Ss should stop with the music After the music stops, Ss change groups and check their mates' work T monitors to provide help as possible T provides the Key answers in a whole class discussion

While-Reading/Listening #2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T refers to the HOs- P4 SS do number 1 in pairs T elicits the answer Ss listen to the poem twice: the first one is for pleasure. the second one is to listen to the new translations of the old words underlined in their scripts. ICQs: look at the script p.1 how many underlined words? Now listen and write their meanings above each Ss check in pairs T provides key answers through the ppt

during reading 3 (15-20 minutes) • working on the theme and figurative language of the sonnet

T refers to No.4 in p.4 SS work in groups of 4 to write explanations to each line. After finishing this task, T assigns the class to highlight the figurative language in the sonnet T monitors and provides help if needed T provides suggested answers through the OHP

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

After finishing the previous task, T assigns the class to highlight the figurative language in the sonnet As feedback, T opens an open discussion and welcomes examples from the class

post reading 2 (15-20 minutes) • analyze poem structure

T refers to p. 5 T models an example to the class SS work in pairs T monitors and takes notes T provides feedback: the scheme is...? = abab cdcd efef gg T explains that every 4 lines are called (quatrain) and the last 2 lines are called (couplet) Ss jot down the notes in their HOs T explains the meter by drawing a pentagon shape with the first 2 sides highlighted T explains that the meter is iambic pentameter by using an example: Shall I /compare/ thee to / a sum/ mer's day? 10 syllables = 5 pairs (iambic pentamere) T follows the same to the first quatrain T elicits the tone (unstressed stressed) SS recite the first quatrain with clapping their hand extension: Ss work in groups to divide the second quatrain while the rest is HW T provides Key answer over the HOP

post reading 3 • producing language

T handouts a sonnet draft Ss work in different groups to write a new version of the sonnet. Ss write the first quatrain only as a minimum while high achievers write more Ss present their work after T takes a look and provides additions Extension: evaluate yourself sheet.

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