Charles Harpur Charles Harpur

TP7 Grammar 10th June
Intermediate level


By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of relative clauses in the context of social media, and practiced this in a controlled and freer exercise.


Abc Freer

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of relative clauses in the context of social media and the internet

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role play format using relative clauses


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Can you name some different social media apps/platforms? (Twitter, Instagram etc.) Can you name some different types of social media? E.g. Social networks (Facebook, Twitter) More answers could be: discussion forums, image sharing networks, video hosting platforms, shopping, blogging) - 1 minute Talk in groups (BOR if more than 3 Ss) about your use of social media. Which is your favourite platform, what do other people use, what is most popular now? 3 minutes Brief OCFB - 1 minute

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show Ss text, 2 minute to read. Why was YouTube successful? ICQ - Do I want a general understanding or a specific information

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

This what is called a relative clause. I want you to look at this, think about how it starts, think about its relationship to the previous part of the sentence and see if you can find any other clauses in the text that are similar. Work in 2's or 3's for 2 mins and see how many you can find. You can use this to underline or even write in the chat again if you like. Show answer key with highlights.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning Lets look at two of the sentences that we found. Look at the underlined clauses in the sentences below. 1. Which contains essential information? 2. Which contains extra, non-essential information? CCQ - If I removed the essential information, will the sentence still make sense? So think about this for 30 seconds and then write your answer in the chat. You can write 1A or 1B that's all. A) Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, who were colleagues, were having problems trying to email a video clip. B) YouTube was a place where you posted videos. So we call both of these relative clauses. There are two types, defining and non-defining. As you can see defining has essential information and nondefining has non-essential information I want to see what you notice about the structure of relative causes. Which words do we see at the beginning of relative clauses? Relative pronouns, in these examples we see who and where Which words do they describe? The noun from the main clause Where in a sentence do relative clauses appear? Immediately after the noun they refer to Can you notice a difference between D and ND? Use of commas Connection task: Who-People Which-Things Where-Place That-People or things Defining or Non-defining? Within two hours they came up with an idea which would solve the problem and change internet history. D It's a familiar story for anyone who follows the development of the internet: technology-minded entrepreneurs under 30, a garage or bedroom where dreams become reality, little money and a big need. D/D Links to the videos, which made them easy to e-mail. ND Tell-a-friend functions; a feature that allowed YouTube videos to be played on social networking sites. D And another feature that let users comment. D Forms task: Answers: Who, that, which, where Form Links to the videos, which made them easy to e-mail. And another feature that let users comment. How can we define this 1st section, what can we call this? Noun or Subject So now we look at the relative clause, what does it start with? Relative pronoun And what comes after the relative pronoun? Verb Is this structure the same for a Non-defining clause? Yes There is one difference, can anyone see it? The use of commas. This enables a pause and an introduction to the non essential information (the Non-defining clause) Pronunciation (Same two sentences as form) Main Stress another and comment/videos and easy Intonation similar at end of sentence

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Forms - Fill in the blanks 2 minutes ICQ - how many answers for each question? 1 How long do you have? 2 minutes OCFB

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Jamboard - first sticky note -Idea for the main clause, Ss think of relative clause with the second sticky note. Give example from the first one - My friend, who lives in London, recently bought a house. OCFB + DEC from exercise. 10-15 minutes

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