Aeneas Murray Aeneas Murray

Aristotle. Rhetoric. 4 means of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos & Kairos
Grade 8 (13-14 year olds) level


In this lesson, students learn about the four different types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos & Kairos from Aristotle’s ‘Rhetoric’. The lesson starts with a gestures and words game about persuasion. This is followed by an explanation of the language focus and the students filling out a worksheet with a fill in the blanks exercise where the students have to write the type of persuasion matching the definitions and arrange key words from the vocabulary box to the right column. Finally there is some controlled practice where the students will have to choose one of the three commercials shown and answer in groups and individually questions tied to the team's commercial of choice and free practice where the students in their teams will have to try to persuade me to eat something from the school.


Main Aims

  • Learn about the 4 types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. Identify the 4 types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. Analyse and examine how the 4 types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos affect messaging.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To improve speaking fluency and develop proactive listening.


Introduction. (3-4 minutes) • Introduce myself. Show a slide with the primary aims of the class. Show the lesson plan.

Introduce myself. Show a slide with the primary aims of the class. Show the lesson plan.

Lead- In. Persuasion gesture game. (4-5 minutes) • Build a soundscape which will later on be tied to the four types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. 1 minute for instructions. 3 minutes for game. 1 minute for open feedback.

In the lead in, the 12 students are broken into three groups of four and have to come up with a name for themselves. Once the teams have been created, I will hand out the sheets corresponding to each means of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. I will then demonstrate how the game works before choosing a member of each team to start the game. Within each group each student is given a word related to the four types of persuasion: Logos, ethos, pathos and kairos. These words are ‘Tik Tok!’ (With a picture of a cupon) for Kairos, ‘Logic!’ (With a picture of statistics) for Logos, ‘Sensational!’’ (With a picture of different emotions) for Pathos and ‘Doctor!’ (With a picture of a doctor) for Ethos. There will also be gestures for the four types of persuasion: for logos the person will point to his/her head, for ethos someone will make a phone gesture, for pathos someone will point to his/ her heart and for kairos someone will look at his/ her wrist and point to the ground. One student will start with his/her word e.g. ‘Logic!’ and then say the word of another student e.g. ‘Tik tok’, that student will then say ‘Logic!’, ‘Tik tok’ and someone else’s word e.g. ‘Doctor!’ Before that person says ‘Tik Tok!’, ‘Doctor!’ And someone else’s word. If someone loses the game the game starts again 1 minute for instructions. 3 minutes for game. 1 minute for open feedback.

Clarification of what persuasion is and the four types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. (9-10 minutes) • Students learn what persuasion is and how to distinguish between each of the four types of persuasion. Students complete self- discovery worksheet. 1 minute instructions. 7 minutes Language Focus. 2 minutes Pairs/ Open FB.

I shall distribute the worksheets and ask the students to complete the self discovery worksheet whilst I am explaining the language focus. 1 minute. I shall give clarification of what persuasion is and the four types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. The students meanwhile will fill in the blanks writing the right type of persuasion for each definition. The students will arrange the words from the vocabulary box into the relevant column. 7 minutes. Pairs feedback. Open feedback. 2 minutes.

Controlled exercise. Choose one of the three commercials. Complete worksheet 2. (15-20 minutes) • Identify the types of persuasion used in a chosen commercial. Analyse and examine the chosen commercial.

I will give out worksheet 2 and tell the teams that they are about to watch 3 commercials twice and in their teams they have to choose one commercial. (1 minute) Show the 3 commercials (5-6 minutes) Teams discuss notes. (2 minutes) Show the commercials a second time. (Time permitting) (5-6 minutes) The teams can discuss their notes whilst the commercials are playing a second time. Pairs feedback. Open feedback. (5 minutes)

Productive Skills Activity. What should I eat at school? (9-10 minutes) • To persuade me using the four types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos to eat something from their school.

1 minute for handing out worksheet 3 and giving instructions. 3 minutes preparation time in teams. 3 minutes. 1 minute for each team to make their argument. 2 minutes Pairs/ Open FB.

Summary. Reflection. (5-6 minutes) • Check the following: Meanings of persuasion and the 4 types of persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. Examples of each type of persuasion.

Elicit answers on what different students have learnt. 2 minutes Ask what persuasion means. 1 minute. Ask for the four different types of persuasion. 1 minute. Elicit answers for what each type of persuasion means. 2 minutes. Announce the winning team.

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